Working together after 16.4

Partner WOD

For time complete the following with only one partner working at a time:
50 pwr cleans 135/95/95/65
50 push ups
50  Front squats
50 pull ups
50 OHS
5 rope climbs
Note:  At the top of each minute complete 4 burpees(2 each!)
Strength Program:
Warm Up:
row 600m, then 15 calories on the airdyne, finish with light stretching
Week 2 Day 2
7X6 at 65%
Bench : 3X6 at 65%
DL: 2X8 65%
On the two minutes for 6 rounds - sled push there and back across the gym, 10 GHD sit -ups, 10 push ups.