Back To Routine

I don’t care what you say, I am still not saying it. No four letter words that start with “F”. It’s still summer. Right up until September 21st. You can’t even argue with me on it, the calendar man says so. However, as we near the end of August here, it does mean it’s time for one thing. Back to school!

If you are a parent with school age children, this is most likely a reason to celebrate. I never did quite get this growing up, but as my own kids age, I’m beginning to get it and see the logistical nightmare and seemingly endless squabbling that summer brings haha. If you are one of the people on the opposite end and are headed back to school yourself, then you probably aren’t the most excited about it. Regardless of which end of the spectrum you are on, making sure you take the time to take care of yourself needs to stay a priority. 

Throughout the summer we were encouraging you to get outside. To feel free to take the time away from the gym and put your fitness to good use “out in the world”. Whatever that looks like for you. Hiking, bike riding, swimming, paddle boarding, whatever. I hope you were able to have some time to enjoy what you like to do. With back to school comes change of routine. Maybe it’s more “back to routine” after a summer of a little less than the status quo. As we plan our fall routine, make sure we keep time set aside to take care of ourselves. 

If we neglect ourself, we aren’t able to give our best. One of my father in law’s favourite quotes that I firmly stand behind is “energy breeds energy”.  If we allow ourselves to sit around because we “have no energy”, it certainly isn’t going to just magically show up.  Taking the time and making the gym part of your routine will help breed energy.  This energy will flow into the rest of your life. 

Being active and working on our fitness helps us be happier. We get to have that hour for ourselves to do something we enjoy with people we enjoy being around. The gym and our community is full of positive energy. Come on in and get charged up!  Taking the hour in the gym for ourselves also makes us confident. We feel good about ourselves after a workout and “accomplishing” something in our day.  This confidence carries over into the rest of our day’s activities. Make sure to keep that time a priority for you. 

“Back to school” is an exciting time of year.  Although we know what is coming inevitably (that dang “F” word...and we won’t even think about “W” words), staying up beat and keeping our summer jam going is only going to make that transition easier. You need to be the best version of yourself in order to give your best to others. 306 can and most certainly should be a part of you!  We are all here to get better. 

Happy “Back to School” to all the students out there. I hope you have a very successful and enjoyable year. And Happy “no kids at home” to all the parents out there.