Proving Grounds

You have probably seen that we are hosting a competition this month. It is an on-line competition given the state of the world (damn COVID). A lot of people shy away from competition for a number of reasons, but I am going to give you a few as to why you should sign up for this competition. ⁠

⁠1. Competition is unique and brings out an excitement and emotion that you can't capture anywhere else. You get to focus on a moment and will will get a rush of adrenaline. It's a high that you can't get from anything else. And, I don't know about you, but any positive highs that I can get from an experience, I will take.⁠

⁠2. Competing teaches you about yourself. I love seeing people try the open for the first time or do their first competition. Some people are super surprised at how competitive they are or what they can accomplish. Training can be challenging and sometimes, you need a little push or focus. Having a goal with timelines, might be what you need. Take the time to learn what works best for you. ⁠

⁠3. Competition makes you step outside your comfort zone. I am a big fan of this one. We are all too often about keeping ourselves comfortable. There is something wonderful that comes from being uncomfortable or dealing with adversity. You don't think you are good enough or that you can? All the more reason to try. This might be just what you need to see what kind of fight you have inside you. ⁠

⁠4. Competition gives you experiences that you'll remember for a lifetime. Sure, an on-line competition doesn't look the same, but you can still get a group of friends together to push against. On-line or in person, competition will teach you things and will give you moments that you will remember always.⁠

⁠5. Competition helps you relate to other fitness lovers and athletes. There is a sense of comradery that comes with competing. You can talk about your experience and strategize together. It doesn't matter if you are a seasoned competitor or this is your first time, it will bring you together as a part of something bigger.⁠

⁠So, head over to: and register today. All levels welcome😀⁠