Mobility - Your secret weapon!

At CrossFit 306, we prioritize more than just getting the best score on a workout. We want everyone who walks into our gym, leave feeling like a better and healthier version of themselves.

To achieve overall wellness, you must prioritize all aspects of your being, most of which need to take place outside the 306 walls. When you come to the gym, we do our best to provide everyone with the most value for their time. However, each class is only an hour, and you must do more to see genuine improvement and results. One of the things most neglected by CrossFitters and weightlifters is mobility.

Mobility is like a secret weapon; it will help you immensely in your performance, but many people fail to think about it. By staying consistent with a mobility routine, you will experience the effects of decreased risk of injury, increased muscle blood flow, and a better range of motion. By increasing a joint’s range of motion through flexibility training, the muscles are stretched along with it, which prevents the muscles and ligaments from tightening up and creating pain. Back discomfort is one of the most prevalent signs of a lack of flexibility training. Its occurrence is now primarily associated with the numerous hours many of us spend sitting at a desk in front of a computer. If you take a few minutes each day to stretch, you will notice drastic improvements in your day-to-day life and how your body feels when completing mundane tasks.

Great resources include; ROMWOD, Mobility MVMT, Pliability, and much more. One of our members also owns Ivy Yoga House right here in Saskatooon, which is a terrific way to attend a guided stretch and a chance to centre yourself. Start stretching daily and see the difference in your next CrossFit class.