Hello 2016!

Happy New Year!  Every time I sit down to write this post, I am amazed how fast the year has gone by and how many things we managed to fit into it.  From a gym standpoint, we had a number of people compete in different disciplines and competitions such as the Battle on the Boarder, CIC, the Open, Spring Fling, Dakota Games, 3 on 3 Throw down, Westerns, North Americans, Commonwealths, Provincials for the lifting athletes.  We had the gala, which is always an epic night, coaches appreciation night and we held a fundraiser for Maddi and Wyatt.

The funny thing is that with all of this, Jason and I often are asking each other, “what else should we do?”   We feel like we should always be doing more.  This is a common theme and one that spills into our personal life as well.  I know we are not alone in living busy lives.  We have jobs and responsibilities, families and try and fit some hobbies in the mix.  If you have kids, you are managing their activities and social lives as well…BUSY.  Yet, somehow we are not sure if we are doing enough. 

Jason and I took the girls to Elkridge for a few days after Christmas and I had a lot of time to think and reflect on the year.  It was amazing, we really disconnected.  We limited checking e-mails or social media to a few minutes at the end of the day (we couldn’t totally let go – in case the gym burnt down or something).  Instead of looking to see what others were doing, we did what we wanted, in the moment: skating, swimming, playing hockey or hiking the majestic trails playing imaginary games with the girls.  It was so refreshing, we felt connected as a family and just really happy.

It was after these moments that I realize, sometimes it’s not more we need to do, but less.  We need to put less pressure on ourselves to compete more and be in more activities or keep up to what everyone is doing on Instagram or Facebook.  Maybe, we need to just be in the moment and breathe it all in.  We need to be fully engaged in our relationships and activities.  We don’t need to expect more or wonder what we might be missing, just take each experience as they come.   One of my favourite quotes is, “the grass is greener where you water it”.  I think that it’s a great motto.  It’s easy to wish for something to change because we live in a world of instant gratification.  It’s easy for us to say, I want a better back squat, I probably need a new program…this guy on IG seems to be killing it, I will switch programs OR start really focussing on your back squat (water that grass), really work at it and see what happens.  Fight for what you want in life in your training, love, and relationships.  

Life is busy and filled with many ups and downs.  There are births and deaths, sickness and overcoming illness or injury, relationships start and they end.  In all of these things, the sun still rises and sets.  It is up to us what we put in-between those sunsets that matter.

May 2016 bring you health and happiness.  May in-between your sunsets be filled with people that fill your soul and make you smile.  May your training keep you healthy and strong and capable of handling all that life throws your way.  May you live in the moment and not hope for more, but realize that your moments are not only enough, but they are amazing and uniquely yours.  Thank you for being a part of my everyday and allowing me to be a part of yours.  Each of you brings something special to our 306 Family.  I look forward to all that 2016 has to bring.   HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!