Welcome Kathee to our coaching team!

Welcome Kathee to our coaching team!

It is with great excitement that we would like to announce that Kathee @katheele has accepted a coaching position with us.

Kathee is a graduate of U of S Business School and has been involve with the 306 community for 5 years.

Read what she had to say about her journey in the world of fitness.

Health and wellness has always been an interest of mine. I was never the kind of person that enjoyed going to a globo gym and doing my own workout with my headphones in. I was always drawn to the group classes whether it was yoga, barre, or spin. I never felt like I got to know the people in those classes or had the accountability to keep attending those classes. That's what I love about CrossFit and Reebok CrossFit 306. It's more than just a group class, it's a community of awesome people who just happen to all workout together. My better half got me started in CrossFit and have grown to love the weightlifting aspect of the sport. You will more likely find me with a barbell in my hands than hanging from the rig these days. If you don't see me at the gym, I'm most likely cooking or binge watching The Office.

Please join us in congratulating Kathee on her new position.

The Pull Up Revisited

I originally posted this blog almost two years ago. With us being back in the gym after a few month hiatus, I figured it was worth another read. While a lot of us were staying active with Zoom workouts from home, most of never had access to a pull up bar or rig so were all maybe a little behind; or shall I say “under” the bar (Dad joke! Geez i crack myself up.). With some new members in the gym, and more coming in all the time, it bares repeating as a lot of other Crossfit movements are built off the fundamentals of a pull up. Give this one a quick read and if there’s something you think we want help with, reach out to a coach and set up a goal setting session!

Welcome Back!

Wow. It’s been a whole while since I have sat down to write one of these. First and foremost, let me say what a blessing it is to have people back in the gym. It was a long, lonely couple of months around 306 without people to converse and enjoy my day with. Thank you for coming back and thank you for supporting us throughout.

Bringing the Equipment Back...

Bringing the Equipment Back...

We are so excited that we get to open the gym back up and see your smiling faces in person. We are so grateful that you kept fitnessing with some equipment throughout the past 3 months but it's time to bring that stuff back to the gym.

Please bring back your borrowed piece of equipment Monday-Friday between 12:00pm and 1:00pm. You will need to text 306-203-0666 so that we can let you in the gym as our doors are still locked. If you are changing packages, for example to zoom only, please let us know so that we can set you up with the full set of equipment.

See you all very soon!

Back together on June 8th, for reals!

Back together on June 8th, for reals!

It’s been over 100 days since we closed our doors at 306 to do our part to “flatten the curve”. Saskatchewan did an incredible job, and as a result, we are excited to open back up on June 08, 2020! Jason and I would like to thank each and every one of you for sticking with us as we switched to an on-line platform with equipment rentals. It is because of your support that we can still open our doors on June 08th.
We know that we aren’t coming back to the gym that we left, and that’s okay. We will have some restrictions in place, but our motto “Community Above All Else” is still at the heart of all we do. We’ve used the downtime on improvement projects all over the gym. TJ is incredibly talented when it comes to renovations and he has spent his days building shelves, new boxes, and putting wood up on the walls in the gym and lobby area. He has also worked with Todd Malcom at PMP to refinish all the pull-up bars and make wall ball targets for the new pull up rig. Todd is also making the new sign for our weightlifting room which looks unreal…

Cheers to Goodwill

Cheers to Goodwill

What does Goodwill look like? Well the easy answer is the picture attached to this post.

Goodwill can be found on the balance sheet of most businesses as part of their assets. It's hard to quantify but it does exist for businesses that have earned it.

Since the opening of our gym back in 2011, Rebecca and I have lived steadfast by a simple rule "Community above all else". It drove a lot of our decisions and reminded ourselves why we opened in the first place. ..

Together we are stronger

Together we are stronger

To our Fitness family:

Well, here we are. It seems as though things are still changing daily and we really aren’t sure what our future looks like. There are a lot of “unknowns”.

Here is what we do know:

  • Exercise is a great anti-depressant and immunity booster

  • Spending time with people with a “social connection” is good for the soul (even via Zoom)

  • When you exercise, you tend to eat and sleep better

  • It’s easier to stick to a program when you have a community and a coach

Jason and I know that many have been hit hard. Every single person will be affected by this pandemic. We want to extend an offer to those of you that are experiencing financial hardship. If you and/or your spouse have lost your job and you can’t afford to pay for your membership or train, we would like you to join our daily Zoom class, Free of Charge!

306 30 Day Challenge

306 30 Day Challenge

Join us for a free fun 30 day challenge!

This challenge was created to help you build healthy habits, stay accountable, and have fun. There will be a number of ways to earn points for your team through different actions - training, getting outside, meditation, healthy eating, etc.

We start on Monday, to join click on the link and we’ll put you on a team!


#reebok #crossfit #306 #flattenthecurve #30daychallenge

306 to the rescue - Solving your training dilemmas!

306 to the rescue - Solving your training dilemmas!

Dear friends,

Our world is facing challenges that none of us could have predicted. We all play a part in adjusting to our new reality. As our freedoms have been limited during our quarantine, we have had to find creative ways to connect with each other and go about our daily lives. Our regular daily hour at Reebok CrossFit 306 was taken away. We often went to the box not even to train but to have our spirits lifted by our many friends that we see on the daily. Our gyms which for so many of us kept us balance during our stressful times have been shut down. Even simple access to training equipment has been become an incredible challenge.

Rebecca and I have worked tirelessly during these last two weeks. In the first two days we switched our regular WODs to at home WODs. We created a bingo game on day three to help keep our community stay committed to their health. Last weekend we announced the return of coached classes with your peers via ZOOM!

ZOOM in to your next CrossFit class

ZOOM in to your next CrossFit class

Well, this sure has been a week! I am not going to lie, I thought a month ago that this was just going to be something unfortunate in the world but it wouldn't make it's way to us. Boy, was I wrong. I am sure that I am not alone in thinking that this whole experience is pretty surreal. Watching the rest of the world and then bracing ourselves for what is to come. I am happy to see so many taking all of the recommendations to heart. I truly believe that together, we will get through this. I know that in creating our new "normal", it's important to bring back some routine. We have been working diligently to find ways to best serve you. We were hoping that this would just be for 2 weeks, but I think it will be much longer. So, starting Monday morning at 7:00 am we will be doing our first virtual CrossFit WOD.



o our valued members and friends,

After much consideration and discussion, Jason and I have made the decision to close the gym for the next 2 weeks. Our scheduled reopening is Monday March 30th at 6am. This is not an easy decision, but we need to do our part to flatten the curve. The health and safety of our community is our number one priority.

There is an opportunity here to change from our day to day rushing to a calmer day to day. We can be with our families, read, connect with friends. There is also an opportunity to look out for our fellow man. Do you know a front-line worker or someone who is at risk that could use a meal or groceries dropped off? This is a great opportunity to help someone in need. Remember, together we can get through this...

COVID-19 Update from Reebok CrossFit 306

COVID-19 Update from Reebok CrossFit 306

To all our valued members,

It seems that our whole world has been turned upside down in a matter of days. COVID-19 has put a stop to activities, events, and is having a huge impact on our global economy. Our governments are taking drastic measures to ensure the safety of all Canadians and to prevent devastation for our country.

Rebecca and I are constantly monitoring the situation and are taking the necessary precautions to ensure the health and safety of our members. We've spoken with personnel within the Saskatchewan Health Authority and as of March 15th our facility and activities are not considered a medium or high risk.