Part A: Weighted pull -ups 5x6 at As heavy as you can + 2 AMRAP at BW.
Part B: Ring dips - 5x6 at 60% + 2 AMRAP at BW.
Part C: 90 seconds on 45 seconds off X 8 rounds of 2 x Gym width suicide, touch every line
AMRAP KB Hang snatch 24/16
Part A: Weighted pull -ups 5x6 at As heavy as you can + 2 AMRAP at BW.
Part B: Ring dips - 5x6 at 60% + 2 AMRAP at BW.
Part C: 90 seconds on 45 seconds off X 8 rounds of 2 x Gym width suicide, touch every line
AMRAP KB Hang snatch 24/16
Part A: On the 2 minutes x 8 work up to a heavy clean
Part B: Open 19.5
Thrusters 95/65 and C2Bs