It's CrossFit and it's messy

As we welcome so many new members every month, some of us don’t know a lot of our general agreed upon rules to keep our gym safe and fun for all. Here is a quick review of some principles that we try to maintain at 306 to ensure an incredible experience for all.

It’s Crossfit and it’s meant to get messy.

We come in. We chalk up. We sweat. We may drool a little. We may spit a little. We may leave little pieces of our soul on the floor from time to time. We all have been there, that’s CrossFit. While we all fully embrace everything that makes our wonderful sport a “down and dirty” one; we also need to remind ourselves (once we can start thinking clearly again after the WOD) that there are a whole lot of other people who use the facility before and after us.

If you take it out, please put it back (in the right spot). Kettlebells, wall balls, dumbbells, bumper plates all have their spot. Keep the shelving units in order and put the equipment back in it’s appropriate spot. This goes a long way in making sure the next person can safely get the right equipment for their workout. At the end of a WOD, please wait until everyone has completed their work before starting to clean and put your equipment away. If you need to run out quickly for whatever reason, ask a friend or coach to out your stuff away when everyone has finished.

If you bring something to the gym with you, it should leave with you. You would not believe the amount of personal items left at the gym on a weekly basis. We have a “Lost and Found” bins located in the lobby directly outside the change rooms. Any personal belongings (clothing, water bottles, wraps, sleeves, etc) left from the day before will be put into the “One Week Old” bin. If you forgot something the day before, take a look in there. If a coach has picked it up to clear clutter, it will have been placed in that bin. After one week, things that haven’t been picked up will be moved to the “Two Weeks Old” bin. After that second week, they move to the “Emptied This Sunday” bin. If items haven’t been removed from that bin by the following week, they will be thrown away or recycled or given to charity.

With our new programs coming on line (weightlifting, Kids Fitness, etc) there is a lot going on in our gym. There is a new whiteboard posted outside the lifting room. Coaches will write classes on it when the room is in use. While those programs are going on in an area, they take priority. If you wish to use the equipment or space, please ask a coach before hand. We are there to work with you; while keeping everyone safe and providing the best service to everyone who walks into the gym. We love seeing people come in for “extra fitness” but please respect the programs and courses being offered and work with coaches.

The front desk area is a focal point for anyone walking through the front door. If there is something you would like to leave behind for a friend there are bins labelled as such located on the north wall in lobby. Please keep the front desk for coaches use and clear of clutter.

We love our children! There are a lot of dangers in the gym; some very present and some that will present themselves very quickly (like a barbell dropping from overhead). These dangers can be catastrophic and have deadly consequences. While we love seeing these kids smiling faces in the gym, we need to keep them safe. Coaches are here to make sure members have a safe, fun and effective workout. There is a lot going on in their minds and in the gym during a class. Worrying about children running through floor space, falling from hanging objects or jumping from heights should not be an addition to this. Children are more than welcome at 306 but please keep them off to the side or in a quiet spot in the gym. If you have brought your child in with you, please realize your workout may have to be interrupted to keep them safe and out of the way of other members.

These points are all areas of common concern in which a little care and attention from everyone will go a long ways! Be respectful and thoughtful of other members, of the facility and of the staff at 306. Our community at 306 is most definitely second to none. Let’s make it even better!

“Community Above All Else”