Jessica's Transformation

The first time I heard of CrossFit was when my friend Jenny told me she was going to try the boot camp. I had just found out I was pregnant again after just getting back from maternity leave with my 1st son. I was immediately jealous because I needed something for myself and thought it wouldn’t be possible to work out while pregnant. And not only being pregnant, I was also overweight and out of shape. I emailed Jason and he insisted that I could start and asked me to come talk to him at the gym. When I got there, he brought me into the gym to show me around. TJ and Ben had just finished working out as they had their shirts off, were sweaty, and were sporting their fit bods. I felt SO out of place. Kind of like a big marshmallow. But Jason made me feel like I belonged there, that everyone belonged. I took a leap of faith and signed up for the 9am boot camp. After having my baby in January 2018, I joined the membership in May 2018 and CrossFit is now a part of my daily life.

I was very active growing up. I played hockey and softball and loved being active and a part of my team. But I always struggled with my weight. I was always bigger and it was something that I finally accepted as my reality. Once I graduated and moved to Saskatoon for university, I put on a lot of weight and have been fluctuating ever since. I didn’t have the knowledge or support to change my lifestyle. And I never pressured myself to find or make a change mainly because I didn’t even know how to. I had a gym membership in university but went a handful of times and would hit up the elliptical or treadmill because I didn’t know what else to do. I felt out of place every time I went. Having a typical gym membership never changed my relationship with fitness. CrossFit did that for me.

CrossFit is different. I walk in, I listen to the coach, and I put the work in. That’s it. I don’t need to think about what workout I need to be doing or if I am doing it right. The coaches are there to help and encourage me. The community is one of my favorite aspects of 306. We are people, not just a member number. It is truly a place where people are caring for other people.

One of the owners, Rebecca, was my first coach. This woman is a gem. She makes me feel welcome anytime I walk into the gym. She has pushed me and has always had more faith in my ability than I had for myself. Watching Rebecca interact with other people in the gym, with her husband (Jason), and her children + dog shows me that this place is where I am meant to be. I only want to surround myself with people like her. She is supportive, down to earth, and wants everyone to live a healthy life. All the coaches do. I love all the coaches!

CrossFit is AWESOME. It has truly changed my life. I have lost close to 50 lbs + so many inches everywhere, gained muscles I didn’t know I had, I am comfortable in my clothes again, I am happier, I am not out of breath doing simple tasks, and most importantly I am portraying a healthy lifestyle for my kids. My habits can be passed along to my children and the people around me. I am healthy, I am strong, and I AM CAPABLE. Reebok 306 has helped me realize all of this. I don’t need to settle anymore.

Thank you, Reebok 306, for giving me the opportunity to improve my life. ‘Community Above All Else’ is something that is felt when you walk through the door. You can check out my CrossFit journey on Instagram @thenessjourney