Aim small. Miss small.

Well, that’s a wrap on the 2019 Crossfit Games Open.  For a lot of us, the Open represents the one time a year where we “compete”.  We ride that wave through the five weeks; come in and put in some extra effort and extra time.  Despite that season of competition coming to an end, let’s stay on the wave and keep looking forward to even more goals.  

“Aim small. Miss small.” refers to aiming at a particular target and picking one singular thing to concentrate on.  Aim at the bullseye and not just the entire sheet of paper, if you will.  Within the Open were five different tests.  One thing I shared with all my classes that I really like about the Open is looking back at each workout and seeing my percentile placement.  It doesn’t matter if I was 100th place or 100,000th place overall; I’m not worried about that.  What the percentile numbers show me from workout to workout is where my strengths and weaknesses lie.  While “fitness” might be our sheet of paper target, a bar muscle up might be our bullseye.  Or maybe we’re setting a goal for another competition throughout the year and we want to have double unders for that.  The “competition” is out paper target with those pesky double unders as our bullseye.  Aim small. Miss small.

Within our services at 306, we offer all kinds of things that help you along the way to aim small.  With our mastermind, Jason Cain, behind the daily workouts you are most definitely set up for success.  I once overhead one of our top level athletes talking with another top level athlete from a different city.  They were amazed at how our top level person performed and asked what the secret was.  The answer was quite simple; “the 10 am wod.”  Point being, 306 has some of the best programming you are ever going to see. Any where. To aim a little smaller, how about booking a goal setting session with one of our coaches; whoever you want.  In this half hour, we can assess your results from the Open (assuming you did it) or take a look at daily wods and set some of those precise goals to improve out for you.  From there, we can develop a plan specific for what you are looking for.  Maybe that is some extra programming to help with strength for example.  You can also book personal training sessions with any of our coaches.  It’s difficult to “teach” you do double unders from a sheet of paper.  But in an hour of personal attention with a coach, we can help break down potential flawed movement patterns, reassess new ones and make sure we are effective at maintaining them.  Regardless of what we are aiming for, some direction in how to hit that target always goes a long ways.  

As maybe some of the motivation post Open starts to dwindle, why not make this the time to aim smaller. With our Be Like Bruce competition approaching in June, there is a great opportunity to find our weaknesses, come up with a plan to better them, and execute.  All of our coaches would be happy to sit down with you and make a plan going forward.  Feel free to message or talk with any of them to help get you set up for success, regardless of the end goal.  

Aim small. Miss small.