Decisions, decisions...

Decisions, Decisions...did you know that the average human makes 35,000 choices every single day? That seems a little crazy, but so many of them require very little thought or the decision that you are making doesn't have a great impact, such as should I make chicken or fish for supper? Or somethings that are so automatic like brushing your teeth. You don't wake up and think, hmmm, I wonder if I should brush my teeth today or leave it? You just brush your teeth (I hope). ⁠

Now, there are some decisions that have a huge effect on our lives, like taking a transfer for a job, changing careers, starting a family, or leaving a relationship. These bigger decisions can leave you feeling paralyzed and in a pile of pro and con lists. Here is something that I have learned over the years, sometimes it doesn't matter what you decide, but the fact that you made a choice and stuck with it. By not choosing, you are in a state of limbo and it causes a lot of stress. Here's another thing that I learned - if you don't like it, you can always change it. That's right, just because you move to a new city doesn't mean you have to stay there if you are miserable. I don't mean give up quickly - things always have an adjustment time, but you can change the situation you are in if you don't like it. ⁠ ⁠

Knowing that you have this power in your life and be a game changer. Make choices and hard decisions. Make them with thought and consideration and then stick to it and commit. Once you see it through, then you can assess and see if you want to adjust or change again. The truth is, you aren't stuck, even though it might feel that way sometimes. The key is to not stay idle for fear of making the wrong choice. Make a decision, stick with it, learn and grow from it. You have more power than you think.⁠ ⁠