Email - love it or hate it?

EMAIL!! Okay, I am really going to age myself here, but did you know that I got my first e-mail account when I was in University? I didn't get a cell phone until I started working for a larger company and my boss was mortified that I didn't have one. He made me go get one, expense it and call him back with my number. He asked how I didn't have one and my response was simple, "I am just not that important that people need to get a hold of me 24/7". Fast forward 20 years, and I can not imagine life without that "connection".

Technology is amazing but it can also be the death of us. Email can suck hours out of every day. I find that unless I am communicating regarding something specific (for example logo approval or changes), I will set my time to start my day with 15-30 minutes to go through email and 15-30 minutes to close my day. I don't have notifications set on my phone, so I am not getting constant "dings" that require my attention.

You can also do this with your social media as well. I use a platform that allows me to write and schedule posts. I need to track messages and such, but it can be kept to a daily minimum. There are a few of us that have access and can respond to customers, so things don't get missed. I find that it helps because it is so easy to get sucked into and I find you have to intentionally put it away or it will suck away your day.

If you don't have boundaries set around your email and social media yet, set them up. Trust me, you will feel less stressed and you will free up some time in your day to do things that you enjoy. The work will always be there, so make sure that you turn it off.

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