Grand Opening Details

Hey Everyone,

Our Grand Opening is finally here.  We are excited to share this milestone with all of you.  After only 7 weeks, we have been able to build an incredible community.  Not a day goes by where numerous athletes don't hit PRs.  So let's celebrate together on Saturday.

Here is a rundown of what to expect for this Saturday's Grand Opening celebration:

Noon: Festivities start
12:30: WOD 1 between Rebecca Voigt and Coach
1:00 Ribbon Cutting ceremony   
2:00 : WOD 2 between Rebecca Voigt and Coach
3:00 : WOD 3 between Rebecca Voigt and Coach

There will also be 5 different stations set up where you can try out a movement and try and get the top score for the day.  The stations will be:
1. Max Double Unders
2. Max Kettlebell Swings 16/24
3. Max Pull-Ups
4. Fastest 250 Metre Row
5. Max 45lb Thruster

There will be Paleo food set up and prepared by our own Chef Anthony McCarthy - WINNER of the Gold Medal Plates.  He will be competing for the National title in Kelowna in February.  We will also have some amazing coffee served by 2 of our favorite ladies - Sara and Vikki and Cafe Sola.  We are so lucky to have such an amazing community here at 306 and we want to have the chance to celebrate this milestone with you as well as well as give you the opportunity to get to know some of the members that you might not have met yet.  

Please invite your friends and spread the word.  If you know anyone who is interested in learning more about CrossFit, bring them along.  The more the merrier:).  We are looking forward to an amazing afternoon.  See you there!  

Remember no classes Saturday morning