We are please to host Marc Morris for an intro to flexible dieting on Feb 22 from 6:00Pm until 7:30Pm
The cost of this event is only 20$, you must pre-register at the 306 front desk to attend.
We are please to host Marc Morris for an intro to flexible dieting on Feb 22 from 6:00Pm until 7:30Pm
The cost of this event is only 20$, you must pre-register at the 306 front desk to attend.
Part A:
3 mins on 90 sec off
x 4
Buy in every round with:
Row 30/27 cals
12 DB Thrusters 50/35
12 T2Bs
*Pick up on the AMRAP where you left off
Rest 5 mins
Part B:
For time:
60/54 cal row
24 DB thrusters 50/35
24 T2Bs