t's common for people to talk about drinking water and staying hydrated, but how many of us actually make an effort to do so? I'm guessing not many. However, staying hydrated becomes more crucial as temperatures rise and air quality worsens due to smoke. When it's hot outside, our bodies sweat more, leading us to lose water and electrolytes, and if we don't replenish these fluids, we risk dehydrating and experiencing various health issues…
Summertime Commitment
Living in Saskatchewan, we are all too aware of the limited time we have to enjoy warm weather. It's easy to get swept up in the excitement of summer and forget that we still need to prioritize our health and fitness. The benefits of exercise are well-known, but it can be tempting to lounge by the pool instead of hitting the gym. However, we can still maintain our wellness goals during the summer by shifting our exercise routine outdoors and finding activities that we enjoy…
Semi Finals - What It Takes
It started with the Crossfit Open and over 1500 teens girls aged 14 and 15 from around the world. From there, the top 10% moved on to the Age Group Online Qualifiers (AGOQs). If you were successful there, the top 30 in the world moved on to Age Group Semifinals. After that, the top 10 head to Crossfit Games in Madison, Wisconsin - CrossFit’s World Championships. Let me introduce you to 14 year old Trenna Gessell (she is actually not 14 until July; making her old enough to compete by only a few weeks!).
Smart Recovery
The most important fitness and well-being aspect is ironically the most neglected. It is well known that recovery is essential to build muscles and allow your body to repair itself after a strenuous workout. However, far too often, this recovery process is neglected, or if it is taken into consideration, it is not done in a manner that will show great results. This is why smart physical and mental recovery is essential to anyone's wellness routine. The three main aspects of recovery are the same pillars of wellness that we should all be familiar with now: sleep, nutrition, and exercise. However, when giving your body a break and focusing on rejuvenation, each of these pillars should be approached slightly differently…
Buy A Skipping Rope!
While I have yet to find that pot of gold under the rainbow to have a definitive answer to that question, there is a very simple place to start. Buy yourself your own skipping rope! Think about this. When you get in to any vehicle other than your own and start driving. The vehicle feels different. The brake and gas pedal have a different feel. The controls are all in a different place. It shifts different. Sure, it drives down the road in the same manner and goes from point A to point B. However, it feels totally different. Now imagine you were just learning to drive. Every time you went to drive, you had to do it in a different vehicle. You certainly are not going to help your situation…
The Effort Makes All The Difference
Success is....Showing Up!
Success is a funny thing. It seems that there are so many definitions out there as to what it is to succeed in life. There are the definitions artfully created by expert marketers. They tell us stories on commercials, billboards, and our social media feed. You might not even know that they are doing it (they are that good).
306 W.C. Building a Legacy
It’s not a surprise to anyone that I love building things; my favourite toy as a child was Lego. The concept of building things from the ground up has always fascinated me. Whether it’s building a business, developing athletes, or creating winning teams in business or sport, I love the concept of developing things from inception to maturity…
Mobility - Your secret weapon!
At CrossFit 306, we prioritize more than just getting the best score on a workout. We want everyone who walks into our gym and leave feeling like a better and healthier version of themselves in all aspects of one wellbeing. To achieve overall wellness, you must prioritize all aspects of your being, most of which need to take place outside the 306 walls. When you come to the gym, we do our best to provide everyone with the most value for their time. However, each class is only an hour, and you must do more to see genuine improvement and results. One of the things most neglected by CrossFitters and weightlifters is mobility…
Three reasons to do the open
We’re a couple weeks from the “Crossfit Open”, the official start of the competition season in Crossfit. Here’s the thing though. Over 90% of the people who sign up to do The Open have any aspirations of ever competing in Crossfit (a local competition or fundraiser aside). One of the most common things I hear as a coach when talking about it is “why”. Here are three reasons to sign up, of which everyone can relate to at least one…
Partners in Fitness and in Business
Personal Fitness and Company KPI's
January is a time when may of us goal set personally and professionally. Individuals are looking to get healthy after indulging over the past 2 months of Christmas parties, drinks, and baking. Suddenly, it seems that lake season is right around the corner. People tend to feel a little tired, under motivated and maybe a little “fluffier” at this time of year. We want to not only look better but feel better too.
Your Community Leaders for 2023
Please join us in congratulating this year’s recipients of our Community Leader Awards:
Tracy Murton and Mike Neufeld!
Both Tracy and Mike have been with us for many years and have demonstrated continuous support for all things 306. They continually take part in all of our events whether as competitors or volunteers. They show up on a daily basis with a big smile and winning attitudes. They support their classmates and live by the motto #communityaboveallelse.
306 is better because we have terrific members like Tracy and Mike!
Happy 11 years CrossFit 306!
11 years ago, we opened our doors at 3634B Mitchelmore Avenue. We moved across the country to be closer to family and to follow a dream. A dream of working together to share our passion for health and wellness. What started as a small little gym where Jason and I coached every single class has turned into a pillar of our community and a hub for all things fitness. We have 10 coaches with Jason Athletic Director) and TJ (Director of Operations) leading the charge.
We run bootcamps, a weightlifting program, kids fitness programs, an teen high performance program, as well as all of our regular group CF classes. We have grown, and through it all, I am proud to say that we have continued to stick to our core value of "Community Above All Else".
Thank you to each and every person that has been a part of our story so far. When I reflect back and see how far we have come, how many people have walked through our doors, the loves, the losses...it makes me smile.
Thank you to our coaches who bring their knowledge and passion to work every single day. I love to see each person bring their unique perspective and I learn from each of you daily.
Thank you TJ for being such an amazing part of our executive team. You bring to the table the perfect skill set to round out our team and we appreciate you
Lastly, to our fearless leader - Jason, my partner in life and business and every adventure in life. You are incredible at what you do. You have a true gift in your ability to help people become the best version of themselves. You work tirelessly and give your whole self to 306. I am so proud of you
It's not glamorous and it isn't easy, but is sure is worth it! With love and gratitude,
Thank You First Responders
The first ever @yxefrff happened this weekend and it was a huge success! We raised over 25,000 dollars for OSI-CAN that will stay in Saskatchewan to help support First Responder mental health and PTSD research/treatment
I would like to extend a thank you to the @crossfit_306 community! I saw lots of members who came out to the event to support the athletes so a huge thank you to those who supported through fundraising, volunteering, and coming to watch! Also a thank you for welcoming the paramedic team who have been training at the gym! Thanks to @jcaintrained and @nich.tj for helping coach and prepare the team for this year and hopefully the next one!
The plan is to make this an annual event so thank you for your continued support and encouragement! See you at the gym
- Coach Beau
3 on 3 Thank You!
On Saturday, we hosted our annual 3 on 3 and what a day it was! Events like this take months and months of preparation, but it is so worth it to see everyone from the greater CrossFit community come together to support one another and have a lot of fun doing some fitness
We couldn't do what we do without the help and support of our AMAZING volunteers. Each person gives of their time to make this event a success. From Chris R, who makes sure that our logistics are on point, to Chris G and Tracy M who ensure that all of the athletes are where they need to be and Evan, making sure that our scores stay updated and Tyler S who is on the mic all day keeping us organized and entertained.
We have an incredible crew of people that make sure that the equipment get changed between WODS quickly and efficiently and now that our kids are older, they looked after getting the athlete bags together along with registration and any other little thing we needed them to do;).
Then we have our judges...this job is a tough one. They are on their feet all day and have to make sure that the proper standards are met. This means that sometimes they have to call a "no rep". No one likes to give the "no rep" and no one likes to receive it, BUT it is a part of the sport. They do the absolute best job that they can and Tyson was there as head judge all day to ensure that standards were met. I only have one comment on this - they are volunteers doing the best job that they can. They barely have time to go to the bathroom or eat all day. So, remember to thank your judge (even if you don't agree with the call). ..
306 Training Ground
noun: success; plural noun: successes
-the accomplishment of an aim or purpose."there is a thin line between success and failure"
-the attainment of fame, wealth, or social status."her success owed more to hard work than luck"
-a person or thing that achieves desired aims or attains fame, wealth, etc."overall the fair was a great success"
Knee Stability Pt.1
One of the most common cues you might hear in the gym, and one that I like to use often, is “drive the knees out” as we squat. This simple yet effective cue helps create stability in the knee and starts the hip moving in the correct way as we descend. If we aren’t actively driving the knees out as we squat, the connective tissue in the hips and the largest muscles in the body, our hamstrings and glutes, remain relatively inactive. We are “quad dominant” in our squat…
Breathing for bracing
When we squat, it’s imperative that we use our core to brace the spine. The spine itself is nothing more than a stock of bones. There isn’t any strength associated there without recruiting all the connective tissues (muscle and fascial tissue) to support the structure. This bracing is done by breathing. ..