OH Lunge steps in an AMRAP?!...ARGH

2 min on 1 min Off for 7 rounds

100m Sprint then

AMRAP this barbell complex

1 Pwr snatch

6 Steps of OH lunge



Strength Program:

Strength Program:

Warm Up with - 3 rounds of 20 Wall balls - 20 GHD sit-ups 

Part A: Squats - 1X6 at 70%, 1X5 at 75%, 3X4 at 77.5%

Bench:  1X6 at 70%, 1X5 at 75%, 3X4 at 77.5%

Posterior Chain: 3 sets for max reps of GHD raises

Part A: Hypertrophy work (3 sets of 8) Keep moving your weight up from prior weeks

DB Chest Flies

Weighted Pull Ups

DB seated shoulder Press