A: 7 minutes of full clean and jerks at 225/155!
B: lower body mobility
Zoom at home option:
Join URL:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82509386783
At one of the following times:
6:00AM, Noon, and 6:30PM
For time!
Set 1 - 10 burpees
Set 2 - 10 burpees + 25 push ups
Set 3 - 10 burpees + 25 push ups + 50 lunges
Set 4 - 10 burpees + 25 push ups + 50 lunges + 100 sit-ups
Set 4 - 10 burpees + 25 push ups + 50 lunges + 100 sit-ups+ 150 air squats