"90 sec on 90 sec off x 10
ODD Rounds
200m run
8 C2Bs
12 DB deadlifts
Even rounds
6 BBJO @24"/20"
1 legless rope climbs
12 DB thrusters 50/35
Pick up where you left off and count total rounds and reps for Odd and Even separately.
"90 sec on 90 sec off x 10
ODD Rounds
200m run
8 C2Bs
12 DB deadlifts
Even rounds
6 BBJO @24"/20"
1 legless rope climbs
12 DB thrusters 50/35
Pick up where you left off and count total rounds and reps for Odd and Even separately.
Part A: On the 2 minutes x 8 work up to a heavy clean
Part B: Open 19.5
Thrusters 95/65 and C2Bs