Part A: core prep
9 min EMOM
1. 45 sec plank
2. 30 sec hollow body hold
3. 20 Russian twist
Part B: For time
10-1 of Devils Press 50/35
40 DU after each set
Part A: core prep
9 min EMOM
1. 45 sec plank
2. 30 sec hollow body hold
3. 20 Russian twist
Part B: For time
10-1 of Devils Press 50/35
40 DU after each set
A: 12 min EMOM
1. 6 Wall Walks
2. AMRAP Cal Row
3. Rest
Rest 3 mins
B: 12 min EMOM
1. 18 KBs at 24/16
2. AMRAP rounds of Cindy
3. Rest
*Cindy (5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats)