Lexi's Story*

Lexi’s CrossFit story

Lexi’s CrossFit story* 
My introduction to CrossFit came at a dance studio last October where I first met Jason and Rebecca (whose daughter was in the same ballet class as mine). I was intrigued by this “CrossFit stuff” they told me about and was really pumped about trying out a “first month for $5” deal…well that was in December, and I haven’t looked back.
Early on, I remember Rebecca telling me about how CrossFit gives you these “gifts” and I wondered, “What does that even mean?” And then the day I nailed my first double-unders, I understood what she meant. Now 7 months later, the gifts keep coming: getting my pull-ups, rowing 500 meters in under 2 minutes, climbing a rope, and PR-ing all over the place – deadlifts, box jumps, overhead squats, and the list goes on. What’s cool about CrossFit is that list isn’t going to end - goals are reached, but then immediately new goals are set. Learning to track my progress, as Jason encouraged me to do, has shown me how much growth I’ve had in so many areas. I had never recorded the details of my workouts before, and now doing so is as much a part of my workout as the workout itself.
The concept of “community above all else” has been key for me. I was used to working out on my own, in my basement surrounded by Lego and Barbies where I was constantly interrupted or just getting bored with what I was doing. Now, I work out with people of all shapes and sizes, ages levels, and fitness levels and we’re all in it together, cheering each other on and leaving no one behind through that last round or those last few reps. Where else are you going to find that support?
One of the best things CrossFit offers me is varied workouts programmed and planned by someone else. I’m completely addicted to checking the WOD online first thing every morning to see what Jason and Courtney have cookin’ for us. The diversity in the WODs keeps me coming back. Boredom doesn’t live here.
Finally, there’s nothing like having coaches that are just as pumped as you are about your progress. Jason and Courtney encourage, teach, challenge, and inspire me in each workout. I’ve never had that before, and now I feel like I have my two biggest fans with me every WOD.
We laugh, we push, we commit, we sweat (damn, do we sweat!), we cheer, we grunt, and we even swear and bleed sometimes, but every single workout is a rewarding accomplishment where there are no regrets. I’m looking forward to continuing a long and healthy relationship with my new love – CrossFit.