Do you find that you "know" all the things that you need to do to improve your life/fitness/work/relationships/etc. but struggle to stay on track with the habits that are meant to get you there? You've read all the books and listened to the podcasts and you implement habits, but before long, you are off course and just surviving your life.
1-2-3 Rule for Rest and Recovery
Sleep is awesome
Too much training, not enough recovery
Do you over train? I am a huge fan of moving your body every single day, but not always to extreme fatigue. Over the years, we have learned a lot. We do CrossFit and we love it. When we first started, we had the mentality of just go hard every day in every WOD and no days off. We were sore all of the time. We learned that this might not be the smartest and you will see that as reflected in our programming.
Too busy...
In a time where we have more technology and more advancements to simplify our lives, it seems that we are more burnt out than ever. It's as though we feel like with every minute of extra time we create, we need to add in more work. I mean if you aren't husting, you are lazy, right? We are living in one of the best times in human history but we aren't leading the healthy and high performing lives that we should be.
30 Day Healthy Living Challenge with Tara
We are super excited to be offering a 30 day healthy living challenge at the gym for the month of May. Tara will be working with 10 people to reach their goals. The cost is $99.00 and you can sign up at the gym or by emailing Tara directly at: Be sure to book your spot today!
Meet Tara our new in-house nutritionist!
My name is Tara and I have been a member at 306 since December 2018. I joined with my daughter, Keela, as a way to spend time with her and get back into shape. I will be the first to admit that I was scared and intimidated as I had been active in the past, but not “crossfit active.” I am proud to attest that the morning of my first class, everyone was so supportive and accepting. They made me feel at home and as part of the 7 am Crossfit group…
Why I CrossFit...
Director of Operations - TJ
Say hello to head coach - Jason
I posted a little poem about a coach and thought it would be a good opportunity to give some insight into our coaching team.
This is Jason and he is the owner as well as Athletic Director and Head Coach at the gym. Jason has been passionate about sport for his whole entire life. He LOVES sport, playing them, learning them, watching them. He is the mastermind behind the incredible programming that helps you to be the fittest version of yourself.
Thank you Coach!
Even when I said I can't
You said, I could
When I said, I won't,
You said, "do it"
Even when I said that I will lose
You said, go win
Even when I said I failed
You said, "well done"
Even when I said I don't believe in myself
You said, "I believe in you"
Thank-you Coach!
Difficult Roads
Difficult Roads often lead to beautiful destinations. It’s been tough, but we are tougher. We got this!
I love my Gym
I love my gym, my box, my place to work out. I love walking in terrified and walking out accomplished. I love sweating until I am soaked and wearing callouses like a badge of honor on my hands, and leaving sweat angles on the floor...and man, do I LOVE those people there...
Hopes not Fears
May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears
"You reap what you sew"
This is an old saying and one that I have really tried to implement more in my day to day. I am trying to give more thought to my actions. If I want good things to come to me, I must put good things into the world. If I want my kids to be kind and considerate, I must show them kindness and consideration. If I show frustration or belittle their thoughts, they will behave with those same feelings. So, think about what it is that you want and be sure that you are putting into the world what you are hoping to get out of it. Think about your words, actions and tone. Live each moment with intention.
Conquer the negative mind
Another thing that I am working hard on is mindset. I have found this year to be incredibly challenging on a number of levels. I don't think that this pandemic and the fallout from it have been easy on anyone. More than ever, we have been bombarded with negativity. From the news, to politics, to racism, to judgment of others and how hard (or not hard) they have it.
Decisions and Values
I have had the pleasure of reading or listening to a lot of books over the past year. I think I finished 36 last year. One of the ones that I recently completed was. "Think like a Monk" by Jay Shetty. I listened to it and then bought the hard copy as well because I think it has so many great lessons in it. I will share some of the things that I learned from it.
Media Diet
One of the things that I have tried to adjust this year is my media consumption. The irony is not lost on me that I am using social media as a marketing platform. The truth is, things have evolved and social media is here to stay. The way we interact and consume information is different from 20 years ago. This is a great thing - think about all of the information that we have access to at our fingertips. Not so long ago (20 years), when I was in University, I had to do my research in a huge library and I also didn't have a computer, so used a typewriter and kept a bottle of white out handy to fix my mistakes. If I wanted to "fact check" something, it was a lot more involved than it is today.
The fitness continuum
Nutrition Advice - Keep it simple;)
Chances are you have been bombarded with messaging about "the BEST 30 day weight loss program" or "6 weeks to perfectly sculpted abs" or "the juice only diet". There are a million fads out there and they are designed to get your attention. I mean who doesn't want a 6-pack in 30 days? The truth is, like everything else, there are no short cuts. If someone tells you that you can eat ice-cream and brownies and get in the best shape of your life in only 30 days (and the purchase of their specially formulated products), they are lying to you. I have been in this industry for 25 years and fad diets and workout plans do not work.