What should I eat???
Welcome Corey and Lauren
Registration opens tomorrow!!!
Member log-in and Credit Card Payments
I am please to announce that are systems have been upgraded and we can now take credit card payment for all retail purchases, even Coconut Water :). As well please note that all members should now be able to log in successfully and book classes online. Please advise me if you are having any issues booking classes and/or loggin in.

Go head to head with the best CrossFitters in Canada in the individual “ Best of the Best” competition . Who will be crowned the Best CrossFitter in Canada? Who will win the $5000 1st place cash prize? Affiliate teams will heed the call to “Rep your Box"! Champions and amateurs alike will come to test their power in the “Affiliate Throw Down” .Which Affiliate will walk away with the title and the Grand prize of a trip for 6 to the 2013 CrossFit Games in Aromas, CA (see www.crossfitgames.com).
Not to be out done by the young bucks, Masters athletes 40+ will step up to prove their fitness in the “Masters Cup’. The top masters athletes left standing on the podium at the finals will win an undisclosed Grand prize and bragging rights as the fittest Masters athlete in Canada. Jacques Ambroise, owner of CrossFit Montreal, can’t wait. “This event is going to bring out the best in the Canadian Crossfit community,” he says. “The West and the East coming together to determine the best Canadian athletes and teams is really something to look forward to!” Nate Beveridge, representing the Vancouver-area affiliate, notes that the event “is going to be a huge boost to the CrossFit community in Canada. The sport of CrossFit is growing rapidly and the amazing development of the community continues to be like no other. This event will really help to bring CrossFit some great exposure here in Canada, and Hybrid Athletics is excited to be a part of it.” Jason Cain of Reebok CrossFit 306. “This will further the sport of CrossFit and ensure that Canadian CrossFitters have more opportunities to develop their competition skills.” CrossFit Colosseum owner Paul McIntyre couldn’t agree more, and also sees events like Sweat RX as important for the sustainability of the sport. “[These] competitions accomplish several things; they foster the growth of the sport of CrossFit, which in turn will develop a base of athletes that will aspire to compete.” CrossFit Kinetics’ Jim Hardy adds that besides the draw of financial gain and glory, the event has natural appeal for the pure fun of getting affiliates and athletes together to promote the sport, and also makes it easy for newbies who’ve never set foot inside a box to see what CrossFit is all about. “I think the event is going to bring the boxes together from around the region for a great time and great competition—something that’s been missing around here since the Open format was introduced. But also it’s going to help bring awareness to the sport of CrossFit and to those who may not otherwise see it.”
This event is limited to the first 30 teams RX’d and Scaled and 30 male and Female Masters athletes in each of the 5 regions. The invididual “Best of the Best” qualifiers will be done as an online Opens’ style qualifier. Three workouts will be released and they must be completed on video and sent in via video link or you must have your time validated at your box. The total scores for the workouts will determine the seeding and the Top 50 men and 50 women will qualify to compete at the finals .The first workouts will be released June 1, the top 5 male and female placing from Canada West and East Regional’s will receive an automatic invite to compete in the finals and will not have to qualify.
The registration fee for the event $100 for the individual competitions and $540 per team, which includes an official event t-shirt, participation medallion and swag bags from our sponsors. The deadline is May 25th at 6pm. To register online go to www.sweatrxchampionships.com . BONUS -Movers & Shapers brings you the most unique single event contest that will “Test your Mettle” unlike anything you’ve experienced...The "Movers and Shapers 50/50" Challenge powered by Sledbarrow will prove who really runs the playground. (Find more details on the registration site.) A portion of the proceeds from this event will go to benefit Wounded Warriors Fund, which assists service members and their families immediately following injury and during convalescence and rehabilitation. Wounded Warriors Fund offers support, communication and camaraderie for wounded warriors as they continue life beyond injury. To learn more about the services of Wounded Warriors Fund please visit www.woundedwarriors.ca .
For regional information contact the participating affiliates. Presenting Affiliates: Hybrid Athletics (Vancouver) Contact:Nate Beveridge natebeveridge@gmail.com Reebok CrossFit 306 (Saskatoon)Contact: Jason Cain jason@reebokcrossfit306.com CrossFit Montreal (Montreal)Contact: Jacques Ambroise jacques@crossfitmontreal.ca CrossFit Kinetics (Halifax)Contact: Jim Hardy jim@crossfitkinetics.com Sweat RX Mag (Toronto)Contact: fred@sweatrxchampionships.com
For more information on the First Annual Sweat RX Championships, call 905-849-8111 or go to www.sweatrxchampionships.com. For sponsorship inquires contact: fred@sweatrxchampionships.com. Registration opens April 10th!
Easter Weekend Hours
The 306 team for the Canadian CrossFit Regional's
Representing the men will be:
1. Aaron Parker
2. Brett Gerich
3. Ty Prosofsky
Representing the ladies will be:
1. Courtney Bowman
2. Laura Werkamp
3. Rebecca Winterhalt
I know they will represent our box very well. Please help me in congratulating them..
Welcome Ryan Johnson!
The Open "A Coach's Perspective"
After an incredible 5 weeks the Open concluded this weekend. In true Saskatchewan fashion the last WOD was celebrated with a BBQ and some light snow flurries. So how did 306 stack up against the best in the region the best in the country and the best of the World? Well let's take a look at the final standings.
As for World individual rankings we had three ladies finish incredibly high,
1. Phyllis Fowler finished 82nd in the World in the Master Women 60+ Category.
2. Sarah Robbins finished 121st in the World in the Master Women 45-50 Category
3. Janis Shirrif finished 122nd in the World in 50-55 Category.
In Canada West we also had two impressive finishes,
1. Courtney Bowman finished 11th
2. Laura Werkamp finished 13th
Team 306 finished with the following rankings,
104th in the World,
7th in Canada
4th in Canada West
There was also a ton of incredible individual performances and more PRs were set that we can count. My favorite moments were those in the last ten seconds of each WOD when everybody would be cheering each other on, athletes squeezing a few more reps and then crumbling in exhaustion. With most of our athletes being completely new to CrossFit our future looks incredibly bright. The WODs that we scored lower in were the ones that emphasized a high skill level, e.i. DU, MU, CTB pull-ups. These skills take a little longer to develop and I have no doubt that we are well on our way to World domination, yeah I know I aim high.
So now what... Well because of our team ranking we will be selecting 3 men and 3 ladies to represent Reebok CrossFit 306 at Regional's next month in Vancouver. This will be the content of a future message. As well stay tune for more info on the National Qualifiers for teams and Master's 40+ that will be held at 306 in June.
Great Work everyone!
Congrats to Bruce Gordon
Weekend Reminder
Don't forget that this Saturday and Sunday we are on a slightly different schedule to accommodate the CrossFit Games Open.
Saturday's schedule is as follows:
9 AM no classes
10-Noon the Open
Noon-4pm 306 BBQ everyone welcome!
9 and 10 for the open
11 and Noon regular classes.
306 moves up to Second!
Remember lets all celebrate the CrossFit Games Open with a season ending BBQ next Saturday from noon-4 at your favorite spot;)
306 Community B-B-Q
Who finished 6th in the World on 12.3?
Open 12.3