306 3 on 3 Throwdown! Jul 2013

The First Ever '306 3 on 3 Throwdown' will be held at Rebook Crossfit 306.

This will be an all day event held on Saturday September 28.  Come and throwdown with all of your fellow 306 athletes as well as athletes from boxes all over the Prairies.  This promises to be a super fun event with a unique style of competition.

Registration Opens August 12 at 6:00PM

All day event Saturday September 28 2013.

Teams must consist of 1 female athlete and 2 male athletes.


 Divsion1 (RX)

 Division2 (scaled)

Each team is guaranteed to compete in 3 WODS

After party to follow Saturday Night!

Registration Link will be posted at http://www.reebokcrossfit306.com/

Cost of the event is only $150 for the entire team.  Generous swag bags will be included for all as well as prizing for the top three teams.

2013-2014 A look ahead

As we look forward to the 2013-2014 season it's time to set some goals.  Goal setting is one of the most important part in achieving success.  Goal setting leads to deliberate action and results.  

As such our coaches have all agreed on our mandate for the upcoming competitive season.

1. Qualify 4 athletes to the CF Regional championships 
2. Qualify 10 athletes to the Canadian Power Lifting championships
3. Qualify 4 athletes to the Canadian Olympic Lifting championships

To help achive some of these results we are proud to intoduce a new membership option:

The 306 Strength and Power Membership -
Includes all of the following for only 110$ per month
1.Two weekly Olympic Lifting training sessions with Jason Cain (Best Lifter 35-40 Pan Am Championships) and Rob Lovelace
2.Two weekly Powerlifiting training sessions with Connor Lutz (Jr. World Bronze Medallist) and Marc Morris
3. Open Gym time on weekends

If you currently hold a 306 membership, then you are already eligible to participate in all of these classes.  This new offering is only for those who do not wish to WOD but simply focus on lifting.