Record Breaking Policy for 306

As our benchmarks WODs and lifting records reach new heights, including national and provincial records, it is important that we all thrive using the same standards.  Therefore to help bring a little more consistency and transparancy,  here are the new standards that must be met in order to have your name on the board, effective immediately.  All records must meet one of the three standards set below.


1.Done in competition 

2. Performed at 306 and filmed

3. Performed at 306 in front of Jason or Rebecca



Raising the Bar, 306 Elite W.C.

After extensive capital and sweat investment, I'm happy to announce the official start of our '306 Elite Weightlifting Club'.  Though we have been competing in the sport of Powerlifting and Olympic Lifting for the past two years, we now have all the resources (access, programs, coaches) to ensure that both our Powerlifters and Olympic lifters can achieve new heights.

Access - Our lifting room is accessbile M-F from 6AM-8:30PM, S-S 9AM-1PM

Programs - Our Power Lifting program will be provided by National Bronze Medallist Marc Morris, and our Olympic lifting program will be created by National Bronze Medallist Richard Gonsalves.

Coaches - Our powerlifters can have access to Marc during scheduled PL classes (Wed from 8:00PM -9:30PM, Sunday Noon-2PM).  Our Olympic lifting classes will be jointly coached by Ty Prosofsky and Richard Gonsalves.  The Olympic lifting classes will now be offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00PM -8:30PM.  Ty will be heading up the program under the guidance of Richard.  Richard will be returning to 306 every 4-6 weeks as he attempts to transition fully to Saskatoon.  During his absence Ty will be coaching the classes.

In the last two years our PL and OLY programs have produced four podium finishes at the national level, and numerous provinicial and national records.  With this extra dedication to both programs I'm excited to see the new heights that 306 athletes will reach.


306 smashes Smashfest!

This past Sunday 306 sent six athletes to SmashFest.  One scaled team (Rochelle Wempe, Steve Lund, Stef Fudger and Mike Rogers), and two athletes on the Rx side, Adam Holztman and Joel Baryluk.  Adam and Joel joined athletes from other affliates.

Adam and Joel battled hard all weekend and finished 25th and 18th respectively.

On the scaled side here is a recap from competing athlete Mike Rogers–

The day started at 9:15 with event 1 – (Max lift, 2 cleans 1 jerk) We knew we’d be going up against a Commonwealth games lifter, David Samoya on the male side so we had to open with some heavy lifts.  Steve and I both managed to hit some really good lifts close to our 1RM!  On the girls side Rochelle has been nursing a tear in her shoulder so wasn’t able to lift anything overhead in quite a few weeks now,  it didn’t show when she got 175lbs overhead and Stef came in right behind her after a few weeks off with pneumonia. We came in 2nd in event 1 with a total of 820lbs. 

Ten minutes rest and we went on to a checklist of movements (5 Strict pull-ups, 2 Pistols, 1 Rope climb, 1 Muscle-up, 5 Strict Ring Dips, 5 HSPU) we flew through that one only missing 2 movements getting us a 3rd place finish.  Rest, Hydrate and eat then off to Event 3 Which proved to be our best event of the day showcasing the quality of training at 306.  We took 1st in this event with 10+ rounds that’s 160 pull-ups and 200 shoulder to overhead!

We entered event 4 after watching all the previous heats struggle to complete this event we knew that all we had to do was stay in the suck as Coach says and just complete the event to be somewhere near the top, so that’s what we did Event 4 was – 500m row for one partner while the other does 40 wall balls(14/20#) then you switch movements and complete the other,  once you complete that you go directly into 20 front squats (155/105#) with 30 toes through rings and then swap.  There was and 8 min time cap to complete this for men and 8 min for women.  Steve and I managed to finish with time to spare and took 1st in this event thanks to the high volume of squats programed every week at our gym.  Next up was the final event consisting of 3 AMRAPS.  The key to these events was communication to avoid no reps and strategy and of course hard work.  We went hard and didn’t quit the entire time getting us enough points to take the top spot on the podium! 

All in all it was an amazing experience and well organized competition and showed us the value of communication in a team environment.  Big thanks to the coaches as our training really paid off in the tough events and it showed.  Hope to see more blue next year!

-Mike Rogers

306 is Expanding and New referral program

306 is Expanding!

We are excited to announce that our 1000 square foot addition to our facility is now complete, and will be ready for use as of next week.  Over the next few days we will be releasing a series of exciting changes to our offerings, all with the intention of improving the 306 membership experience.  The first big announcement is our new referral program -

The 306 referral program was created to ensure that our growth stays organic.   You bring anyone in to 306 and they sign up*, your next's month membership is on us!

We look forward to sharing our exciting future together.

*Applies to new 306 members only



2nd Annual 306 3 on 3 Throwdown!

The Second annual 3 on 3 Throwdown will be held at the newly expanded Rebook Crossfit 306 facility Saturday September 27 2014.

Registration Opens Monday August 11th at 6:00PM

All day event Saturday September 27 2014.

Teams will consist of 1 female athlete and 2 male athletes.


Division - RX

Division 2 - scaled

Each team will be guaranteed to compete in 4 WODS

After party to follow on the Saturday Night!

Registration Link will be posted at

Cost per team of 3 is only $195.00

Recap from Fargo, North Dakota

So what can you say about a Crossfit Competition: it’s hard, difficult or not for me.

Well all are those are true!  That being said, “you will never grow in your comfort zone”.

The weekend in Fargo North Dakota was a weekend of people pushing past their comfort zone to create new sense of their abilities.

Derek petraciz finished in 25th of 45 athletes. Wayne Dust finished 6th in the scaled division … both these guys are 39 years old.

In the Masters division Conrad Herman finished 10th Aaron Johnson finished 9th. Brad Mercosky 6th and had a brilliant final to watch.   

There was great many PR’s this weekend.

For support thanks go out to Cara and Megan MacPherson. If you think athletes can’t hear you when they are working out these ladies proved you could .

The strong bonds of friendships are formed thru sweat, blood and exhaustion of adversity.

So the Walking Dead Tour turned into a great event. 

We send out this invite to 306 for next year Fargo: Are you 35 or older looking to Sweat, Bleed, Hurt, Grow Laugh and create good friendships. We are looking for you!!!

- Aaron Johnson

Spring Fling Recap

This past Saturday we sent 2 individuals and 5 and a half teams down to Regina; along with the support of Viki, Sam, Lana, and Tim.


Jason Joyal and Beth Kostur both competed in their first RX competition. In the first WOD which consisted of finding your heaviest squat clean plus 2 push press with an axel bar; Beth was able to get a score but on her second attempt at a higher weight dropped the bar on her knee because athletes were not allowed to drop the bar from anywhere higher than their hips. Beth was able to pull through for the WOD 2 finishing that one in 11th place, after the second WOD she was unable to compete because of the injury and pulled out of competition.


Big Jay didn’t mess around with the first WOD picking up an 11th place finish as well on it. And just barely missing the second push press of his last attempt at 220 lbs. He finished with a 210.2 score, with the clean and first press counting as well. In the second workout Jason performed very well finishing in 10th place. He dreaded the burpees but of course like Jason always does he got through them and didn’t mind them at all. On the double unders I don’t think he yelled once! And the kettlebell swings were childs-play for him. In the third WOD one of Jason’s weaknesses would show up, Chest to Bars; but of course again he would persevere. Showing that with 2 regional competitors beside him that he could keep up with the best of them at Spring Fling 5. He finished with his best finish of the day at 8th in workout 3 and finishing 11th overall. He had the opportunity to compete in the final because someone wanted to pull out but Jason said he wanted to earn the spot not just replace someone. Great job Jason!


On the team front Erin Kemp partnered up with an athlete from Functionally Fit in Cold Lake making up for the half. Belles at the Bar was their team name and they finished with 72 points in total and a 23rd place finish out of 30 teams. The Barenaked Burpees consisting of Richelle Little and Stefany Fudger showed up big in the first WOD placing 5th in the workout, showing although they hadn’t used the axel bar before that it would not do harm. And when it was all said and done The Barenaked Burpees would finish with a solid 12th place finish. 


Annie Thorisdottir was made up of the duo of Cassandra D’Amore and Chelsea Sveinbjornson. They would come out strong with a 9th place finish on the first workout, but unfortunately running out of time for Chelsea to make a one last attempt at 140lbs (her PR at the gym). They would redeem themselves in the next WOD by Cassandra doing all the rowing and Chelsea blazing through the burpees. And them working through the second AMRAP of DU and KBS. They finished WOD 2 in 7th place. With a bit of a mishap in the 3rd WOD by the judges not understanding the standards Chelsea and Cassandra would be slowed down they were only 4 reps shy of finishing 8th in that workout. Overall they finished 10th at this years Spring Fling, just missing a chance in the finals by a couple points. 


 Three men’s teams would represent 306, the Swoldiers, Bros before Hoes and Team Lundy. The Swoldiers consisted of Graham Robertson and Nick Korchinski who was in his first competition. Nick somehow popped a rib out during warm up for the first workout. Fortunately there was a chiropractor on site who was able to pop it back in. Graham and Nick would both hit what they wanted to in the first workout. In the second workout they would have their best performance finishing 5th. The Swoldiers would finish 12th overall in the competition. 


Charlie Martineau and Adam Holtzman would make up the team Bros before Hoes. Finishing the first WOD with their best finish at 4th place. In the second WOD they would finish in 14th and 9th in WOD 3. In a 4 way tie for 7th place after 3 WODs they would take the top spot in the tie break which consisted of picking best performances in workouts. They would compete in the final workout, Adam and Chalrie would finish 8th overall. 


Steven Lund and I would make up Team Lundy; we played catch up from the start of the day, knowing our weakness was the first workout. We knew we had to perform well in the next one and we were able to finsh 1st in the second WOD and 6th in the third WOD. We went into the final in 3rd place. We finished the final in second place and that helped us claim the top spot at the end of the day!


Thanks for all the support from 306 with Sam helping out judging at the competition, Viki coaching all of us, Lana taking care of us and Tim coming down to cheer us on in classic 306 fashion. All in all it was a great weekend for 306!

- Coach WOO

New CrossFit Baby:)

Tracy was a superstar and worked out right up until the end of her pregnancy.  We were all anxiously awaiting her news and here it is...

Welcome Beckett Thomas Danielson! He was born Sunday, June 8th at 9:20 am, just over one week overdue. He was 20 inches and 8 lbs 11 oz. He is doing great! I'm doing pretty good. I have a bit of pain from the surgery but will get moving and feeling better soon.  We are hoping to go home tomorrow!

Can't wait to meet your little guy and have you back:)

All the best from the crew at 306!



306 lifts big!

Greetings 306er's,

This past Saturday 306 was host to the 2nd Annual Reebok Crossfit 306 Powerlifting Open. Our community was represented well, with eight 306 athletes, along with Coach Steve Price, returning to the platform.

The morning session was filled chock-full of 306 talent. In the Women's flight, Chelsea Sveinbjornson, Brandee Borne, and Lana Price-Wright displayed tremendous strength. Chelsea’s 72kg class debut resulted in provincial records in the squat, bench, and total (105, 77.5 and 295 kg). As a veteran lifter but a first time competitor, Brandee's wasted no time making a name for herself. As an 84 kg +, Master I lifter, Brandee hit provincial records in the squat and bench (110 and 65 kg. Reigning Junior 84 kg + provincial champ. Lana Price-Wright, hit personal bests in the squat and deadlift (145 and 137.5 kg).

On the Men's side, our mid-weight 306 lifters represented well.  Lifting at a lean 74 kg, Tim Gabb hit a personal best squat (167.5 kg) in his first meet.  Bill Trelnuk, Clint Senko and Rob Lovelace represented the 83 kg weight class well. In his first Saskatchewan Powerlifting Association sanctioned meet, Bill improved on his squat and deadlift (155 and 205 kg).  Clint Senko also hit a personal record squat (165 kg). Rob Lovelace had an outstanding day at his first meet. Rob hit personal records in the squat, bench, and deadlift (182.5, 142.5, and 222.5 kg), obtained a total qualifying him to compete at the national level and moved up the 306 bench press record board.

Last but not least, the 306 big rig, Luke Gordon, man handled some weights during his first competition. Luke hit personal bests in the squat, bench and deadlift, (200, 142.5, 252.5 kg) and moved into first place on the 306 deadlift record board.  This also means you now need to deadlift 550 lbs to be in that exclusive club.

Coach Steve Price displayed his powerlifting prowess by hitting a provincial record squat (187.5 kg) and total in the 66 kg Junior and Open classes. 

The day was a success but would not have been possible without the coaching of Gen Grant, Kent Brown and Jessie Buydens.   A big thank you to everyone who volunteered, particularly Viki Cirkvencic, Samantha Mitchell, Jeff Woo and Bones.   Time and time again 306’s rally together to help make powerlifting the growing and successful sport it is in Saskatchewan.  As always, thanks to Jay and Rebecca for letting us take over 306 for the day.

Full meet results can be found here. If you are interested in representing 306 upcoming Saskatchewan meets include the Unparalleled Open, June 28th in Moose Jaw and Provincials, September 13th in Regina.  

- Marc