Congrats to the following three athletes who will be representing Reebok CrossFit 306 at the online CF Games Qualifiers in April. Polina leads all teenagers in Canada West, and Coach and Janice Peterson are both third in Canada West. Let’s cheer them on as they ramp up their training for the next four weeks in hopes of qualifying for the CF Games! #jcaintrained #crossfit #open2018
Soccer Specific Strength and Conditioning Program
Attention all soccer lovers! This is your change to bring your game to the next level. Reebok CrossFit 306 is excited to partner with Pro European Soccer player and strength and conditioning coach Grzegorz Skowroński. Grzeg will take twelve men (14-21 years old) and twelve ladies (14-21 years old) through an intensive two month strength and conditioning program. The program will begin the week of April 2nd and conclude on May 26th. The program will mirror the same training that European based clubs use to ensure their athletes are in excellent shape entering their competitive season...
Celebrate the OPEN- Win 8 pairs of Nano 8's
2018 Nutrition Challenge at 306!
Nutrition Challenge Brief:
After running a number of different challenges, from cleanses to Whole30 to Paleo or zone, we have decided to take a page out of CFNE’s books and do a different kind of nutrition challenge. This challenge really just focuses on our (and CrossFit’s) philosophy on food – Eat real food, not too much, mostly plants.
Fitter in my Forties! By Jody C.
I joined Reebok Crossfit 306 two years ago and my only regret is not joining sooner! It has changed my life. Not only physically (I’ve lost 25 pounds and I went from a 32” to 26” waist) but mentally, it has made me a better person. So why have I “drank the cool aid”? Well when I joined Reebok Crossfit 306, I was 39 years old, 162 pounds and although I did my best to hide it, I hated the way I looked, the way I felt and what I had become. I was a mother of 2 young children, wife to a great guy and had a rewarding career, but something was missing… ME… I was so busy taking care of everybody else that I had lost myself along the way.
Why I compete
A reflection on why I compete and what I focus on.
In the last six months I've competed in three big competitions, The Canadian National Master's Weightlifting Championships, the Saskatchewan Powerlifting provinicials and the Wodapalooza Fitness Festival. I've been competing in sport for 30 years and I'm still learning on how to improve. I find that nothing is menatlly more challenging then a sporting competition. I find that so many of us start off as so extrinsically focused. Looking only at the standings and only being happy if we won. Heck even only picking sports or events that we could medal in just to say you medalled. I'll admit to falling prey to this myself at times. But I love the challenge of focusing on delivering on my game plan. I found that over time I've become the happiest not by my final standing (though I love winning as much as the next guy) but how well I did on the things that I can controlled. Here are the five things that I control and therefore focus on:...
306 at Jr Nationals!
306 is so proud to have qualified three lifters to this year’s Jr National Weightlifting Championships. @jacknash5 @polina.bes and @tekman17 (not present for the photo) have trained diligently and have made great strides into becoming national caliber weightlifters. Let’s wish them the best of luck as they fly to Halifax tomorrow and get ready to compete on Saturday.
Happy New Year!!! 2018 is upon us and I am not sure how that happened. I swear, it was like yesterday when we were freaking out about what would happen the morning of the year 2000 (turns out nothing crazy would happen;)).
So, it’s that time for me to reflect on 2017 and look in to 2018. 2017 was filled with some amazing things along with some devastating things. I think that happens every year, it’s just that as we get older, we are more aware of things outside of ourselves and we know more people. We enter a new stage of life and, all-of-a-sudden, it feels like we are attending way more funerals and getting more divorce announcements in a year than we are attending weddings and getting birth announcements.
6 Years and Going Strong!
It’s always fun to look back on a year. It’s funny, I do it a few times throughout the year where I start sifting through photos from the year, and then 2, 3, 4 and 5 years – all the way back to when we still had off-line photos. A few things happen when I do this – first, I think, “OMG, where has the time gone?!” I swear, my babies were just tiny and I was rocking them to sleep. How did they get to be these big kids? Next, I smile – at the memories, at the journey, at the little things that I may have forgotten in the craziness of our day to day.
Thank-you from Chris Gordon!
Today Jay and Rebecca officially presented me with the Reebok CrossFit 306 Community Leader award and now it is my honor to say “Thank You”. I have so much love and respect for this community. Bruce and I joined 306 six years ago having no idea how much CF would impact our lives and give us the ability to live to our lives to the fullest every day. I am so grateful to have all of you continue to support me and this would bring Bruce comfort. CF is not only good for our physical health but also for our mental health and I know this to be true. When I am have a tough
New Youth Weightlifting Program
Looking to pick things up and put them down?
Our weightlifting club had a great day this weekend at the opening meet of the year. @jacknash5 and @nkorch hit time all best lifts. @katheele power snatched her bodyweight! @tekman17 recovered after a shaky start and @polina.bes put up the best total by a Jr Female.
If you would like to join the sport of weightlifting we are now accepting new athletes. Email me at and join the fastest sport in the world!
"The Bruce"
Rest easy Bruce xoxoxo
It is Monday morning and as I sit to write, I still feel a little sense of shock. On Friday, we lost a pillar of our community. Since we heard of Bruce’s diagnosis, we hoped there was a mistake. I mean, how can this guy with a shredded 6 pack, crushing WODs have stage 4 pancreatic cancer?! It really didn’t make sense. It didn’t make sense and it sure doesn’t seem fair. It never does. As I have tried to make some sense of all this, I have had a few thoughts that I will share.
3 on 3 Recap
The fifth instalment of our annual 3 on 3 Throwdown was another resounding success. The event was blessed with what will possibly be the last warm day of the Fall season. With the sun keeping the athletes warm, cool heads would be needed to tackle the WODs. This year's program was the most challenging that we have put forth. In the end, the most well rounded teams found their way on top of the podium...
Exciting News... More classes for everyone!
3 on 3 Schedule
Attention all 3 on 3 competitors!
Please note the following times:
Scaled athletes registration : 7:00 AM
Scaled athletes briefing : 7:30 AM
WOD 1 Scaled Division : 8:00 AM
Intermediate athletes registration : 7:30 AM
Intermediate athletes briefing : 8:05 AM
WOD 1 Intermediate Division : 8:40 AM
Rx athletes registration : 8:00 AM
Rx athletes briefing : 8:30 AM
WOD 1 Rx Division : 9:00 AM
Semi Finals all divisions scheduled for 4:45PM-5:30PM
Finals all divisions scheduled for 5:30PM - 6:00 PM
After Party at Hudson's Taphouse starts at 7:00PM