Odd and Even
Crazy 8's!
It takes two for this Tango
1 burpee
1 shuttle run
1 wall ball sit-up
1 wall ball,
2 burpee
1shuttle run
2 wall ball sit-up
2 wall ball,
Boxing Day
Gym Closed get outside and play
Merry Chritsmas
Merry Christmas Everyone!
12 days of Christmas
This WOD is performed as the song would go,
on the first day of Christmas my CossFit gave to me... (1 snatch, on the second day of Christmas my CrossFit gave to me 2 pistols and 1 Snatch, on the third day of Christmas my CrossFit gave to me 3 Box Jumps, 2 pistols, 1 snatch..... alll the way to 12 Man Makers and down)
1. Snatches 135/95
2. Pistols
3. Box Jumps 36/28
4. Pwr Cleans 135/95
5. Jerks 135/95
6. KBS 2/1.5
7. Push Ups
8. Jumping Lunges
9. Pull Ups
10. Wall Balls
11. Toes To Bar
12. Man Makers 40/25
Pistols and Snatches
Down and Back Up
The Man Maker!
Building a community
Open prep!
Deadly Ups
Tabatta Tuesday
Power Surge
Power Surge
5 by 5
306 Third Annual Weightlifting Meet
Come cheer on our lifters.
Action starts at 10AM
Filthy Fifty
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1.5/1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45/35 pounds
50 Back extensions (supermans)
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders