3 on 3 Thank You!

 3 on 3 Thank You!

On Saturday, we hosted our annual 3 on 3 and what a day it was! Events like this take months and months of preparation, but it is so worth it to see everyone from the greater CrossFit community come together to support one another and have a lot of fun doing some fitness

We couldn't do what we do without the help and support of our AMAZING volunteers. Each person gives of their time to make this event a success. From Chris R, who makes sure that our logistics are on point, to Chris G and Tracy M who ensure that all of the athletes are where they need to be and Evan, making sure that our scores stay updated and Tyler S who is on the mic all day keeping us organized and entertained.

We have an incredible crew of people that make sure that the equipment get changed between WODS quickly and efficiently and now that our kids are older, they looked after getting the athlete bags together along with registration and any other little thing we needed them to do;).

Then we have our judges...this job is a tough one. They are on their feet all day and have to make sure that the proper standards are met. This means that sometimes they have to call a "no rep". No one likes to give the "no rep" and no one likes to receive it, BUT it is a part of the sport. They do the absolute best job that they can and Tyson was there as head judge all day to ensure that standards were met. I only have one comment on this - they are volunteers doing the best job that they can. They barely have time to go to the bathroom or eat all day. So, remember to thank your judge (even if you don't agree with the call). ..

306 Training Ground




noun: success; plural noun: successes
-the accomplishment of an aim or purpose."there is a thin line between success and failure"
-the attainment of fame, wealth, or social status."her success owed more to hard work than luck"
-a person or thing that achieves desired aims or attains fame, wealth, etc."overall the fair was a great success"

Knee Stability Pt.1

One of the most common cues you might hear in the gym, and one that I like to use often, is “drive the knees out” as we squat. This simple yet effective cue helps create stability in the knee and starts the hip moving in the correct way as we descend. If we aren’t actively driving the knees out as we squat, the connective tissue in the hips and the largest muscles in the body, our hamstrings and glutes, remain relatively inactive. We are “quad dominant” in our squat…

CF Open 2022 is here - let the fun begin!

CF Open 2022 is here - let the fun begin!

3 Reasons You Should Do The Open

Next week it begins. The 2022 Crossfit Open. For some, it is the first step in qualifying the Crossfit Games. Newsflash - it is not that for you. However, it is definitely something that you should do. Here’s a quick read on three reasons why.

First and foremost, do it for yourself. Regardless of where you are at on your fitness journey or motivation for being in the gym, it’s rewarding to complete a workout to the best of your ability and enter a score. It adds validation to the hours you spend in the gym. It lets you look back and see how you have progressed. As we have been doing the past while, Friday Open Redo’s have been happening and we can see our improvement in our scores. It is also a whole lot of fun to be able to talk a little bit of game and a little bit of smack to your friends in the gym. Coming in to the gym on Open workout days just feels different. The energy is up and there’s that little bit of edge. It’s a great chance to push yourself a little bit further and go a little bit harder than you normally would. Use that energy and that vibe to be the best version of yourself. It’s only going to make you better!

The second reason you should do The Open is for your peers. Whoever they may be. Your significant other, your children, your friends, your coworkers; anyone in your circle of influence. The Olympics are on right now and I have been spending some time watching them. While I don’t aspire to do any of the sports I see at the Olympics, it is inspiring to see any sport at that level being performed. Greg Glassman, the founder of Crossfit said “our understanding is that the needs of Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ by degree, not kind”. Simply put, we all need to be functional to some capacity in our lives. While an Olympian needs to squat 400 pounds to have power for their sport, our grandparents need to squat to get themselves off the toilet. We never know who will be inspired by what we do. We do not need to be world champion or the best athlete in the gym to inspire someone. All we need to do is show up! When we see our peers doing a workout to the best of their abilities, we get inspired. Inspired to do our best which inspires someone else to do their best. We are all better when we show up together!

The third reason is quick. Jason Cain is getting old. You might be able to beat him this year!

306, let’s have some fun. Sign up for the Open at www.games.Crossfit.com under our affiliate and team “Crossfit 306”. Not only are you doing it for yourself and for your peers. This year Crossfit 306 will donate $5 per person signed up from our affiliate to KidSport Canada, a local charity that helps provide underprivileged children get involved in sports.

We’ll see you on the leaderboard!

Our community leaders - Speeches from the Gala

Our community leaders - Speeches from the Gala

If you missed the gala, please take a moment and read the speeches that honoured this year’s recipients of our community leader awards.

Randy Sabo - (speech written by TJ and presented by Beau)

To some of you here tonight, it might be a surprise that the gym is open before 10am every week day. I know to Jay it is. For a very select group of members however, the morning classes are where the magic happens. They are a tight knit community all unto themselves who get in to the gym before most of our alarm clocks go off. They brave the elements and morning roads to show up for the first WOD of the day under the #JCainTrained program as the Guinea pigs for the rest of you. Just as with all other classes of the day, there are a select few who have taken on the roll as a community leader….

Benji - Our little Hero

Benji - Our little Hero

On Thursday Oct 21st we will paying our respects to the late Benjamin Sawatsky. Benji is the son of Chad and Carla and brother to his three other siblings, Nick, Bailey, and Aiden. Benji passed from a brain tumour and will forever live in the memory of those that knew him.

Benji was born on Oct 21st and 306 proudly created this WOD to honour him.

“The Benji”

8 rounds of

3 power cleans 135/95

10 push ups

21 DU

9 pull ups

The significance of the numbers are as follows:

8 - his hockey number

3 - number of siblings

10 and 21 - Born on Oct 21.

9 - Age when he joined the other angels

Thursday will be free for anyone wanting to come and pay their respect to honour our little hero.

Coach's Corner

Coach's Corner

The 3 on 3 is tomorrow, as the organizer and a huge fan of sport and competition this is one of my favourite moments of the year. After competing for 30 years in sport I though I would share some thoughts with all the athletes to help alleviate some stress.

Nutrition - This is a big one and one that I get asked about a lot. First off, your body will have enough glycogen stores from the day prior to meet the energy requirements for the first two WODS. The problem I generally notice is people not eating after the first two WODS and then running out of energy later on in the later afternoon. So please, do yourself a favour and eat around 300-500 calories after the first WOD and again after the third. This will ensure that if you make the semi-finals and finals you’ll still have plenty in the tank. As well don’t introduce anything new into your diet, now is not the time to experiment,

Control what you can control - If you have some control over it then manage it. Sleep, recovery, nutrition, effort, clothing, are all things that you have within your control. So plan and focus on all of those. Be meticulous with anything that you have control over.

Things you can’t control: your opponents, the WODs, the equipment being used, the judges, the weather. As such don’t waste time fretting about any of it. You only have so much mental and physical energy available so use it wisely.

No rep! Nobody wants to hear those dreaded words “No rep!’”, but it will happen. Don’t argue, just perform another rep with better form and more precision. I watched the CF Games and saw Matt Fraser get a dozen no reps on a KB shoulder to overhead movement. He barely flinched, kept working, and still won the competition.

Support each other - Your team will have moments of brilliance and moments where you will struggle. It’s easy to get along well when things are going favourably. The top teams are the ones that perform well despite setbacks and challenges. When the proverbial wheels fall off, come together and find a better way forward, you will learn more from your defeats then your wins.

Finally, by the time next Saturday rolls around, almost no one will remember who won or lost. Think I’m wrong? How many people can tell me who lost the Super Bowl two years ago? The truth is we are all so focus on our own lives that we assume that what we believe is important to us is important to others. It’s not. So relax have fun, and go crush it!


Athlete update...10 years in and still going strong!

Athlete update...10 years in and still going strong!

If you don't know this beautiful lady, allow me to introduce her...she's my mom❤️

It's been 10 years since we opened our gym and my mom was one of our first members. She has been consistent and a regular for 10 years. I have watched her get stronger as she ages, not deteriorate. Sure, she has had a few set-backs such as foot surgery or a tweak here and there over the years, but she still shows up and does what she can to keep her body moving. So, for those that say, "I could never do that", well my mom can! CrossFit is a safe and effective way to be fit for whatever life throws your way. Here's what she has to say:

Teen High Performance Program - 306 Training Ground

Teen High Performance Program - 306 Training Ground

Parent and Teen Info night - June 13th at 6PM

We are so excited to announce that we will be continuing with our teen high performance program for the 2021-2022 season!

In our first year our athletes saw some incredible results in both CrossFit and weightlifting. Including three national podium finishes!

Do you have a teen (aged 12-17) that is looking for a new challenge? This program is designed to help our athletes compete at the National and International level.

Want to learn more? Join us on Sunday, June 13th at 6:00pm to meet the coaches and athletes, see our facility and see what this program is all about. If you plan on attending, please

e-mail: jason@crossfit306.ca to reserve your spot.

Balance - Does it exist?

Balance - Does it exist?

Balance is an unattainable fantasy. I feel like more than ever, we are bombarded with media telling us how important it is to have this illusive daily balance. You know, sleep 8 hours, drink 8 glasses of water, spend quality time with your spouse and children and friends and be sure to get that "self-care" in. Seriously?!?!? You would drive yourself crazy if you tried to attain balance at all times. It will cause you stress and make you feel like you are failing. Here's the truth, you are not failing, it's just that this balance doesn't exist.

Tips for a better sleep

Tips for a better sleep

So, you want to get a better night's sleep? Here are a few tips to help you get there. Don't try and do everything all at once. One change at a time will help you and won't be overwhelming. ⁠

⁠1. Workout during the day. Exercise improves your sleep quality and quantity. I know, you are busy, you are tired, there is no time. Please refer to my earlier posts - you just have to schedule it in. You might not "feel " like it, but it doesn't matter - MOVE YOUR BODY!⁠

Rest and recover to unleash your potential

Rest and recover to unleash your potential

Prioritizing rest and recovery can help you to live a fantastic life. When you rest and sleep, you allow your brain to recharge and it improves your physical, mental and emotional health.

SLEEP - recover with your eyes closed. Throughout most of history, we were able to sync our sleep cycles with the sun. However, today we start and spend our day in front of screens. We usually are exposed to artificial light after the sun goes down as well. As a result, we are not sleeping enough. Lack of sleep increases rates of obesity, heart attack, stroke, cancer, depression and anxiety. You might not think it's a big deal in the moment, but lack of sleep can shorten your life.



HAPPY EASTER! The gym will be closed and we will be on a wild Easter Egg Hunt. Enjoy the day and the beautiful spring weather. I am super optimistic that next Easter we will be able to celebrate in larger groups without restrictions. Until then, stay safe and make new traditions and memories. See you at the gym tomorrow😀⁠

Email - love it or hate it?

Email - love it or hate it?

EMAIL!! Okay, I am really going to age myself here, but did you know that I got my first e-mail account when I was in University? I didn't get a cell phone until I started working for a larger company and my boss was mortified that I didn't have one. He made me go get one, expense it and call him back with my number. He asked how I didn't have one and my response was simple, "I am just not that important that people need to get a hold of me 24/7". Fast forward 20 years, and I can not imagine life without that "connection".

5 Second Rule

5 Second Rule

If you have followed me for a while, you know that I love to read and listen to books while I am on the road. I just finished "The 5 Second Rule" by Mel Robbins. It was a good reminder and such great advice. If you haven't read it, the idea is that when you have an idea to act on it within 5 seconds before your brain shuts it down. To be clear, this is not for huge, life changing decision - no, those still require careful thought. This rule is great to be used for daily decisions and they may just end up changing your life.