This s*%t is bananas!
Dirty Thirty
So easy!
Simple and Effective
Steady Pace
Snatch and Squats Week #3
Definitely time for two rounds
Same but different
Shall we dance?
Comp Style Fridays
2 rounds every 5 mins?
Snatch and Squats
Steady Eddie
Lightning Fast
Don't forget to bench
Snow day, classes are cancelled.
Your home WOD… shovel your walks and driveways, don’t forget to brace your core.
See you all tomorrow,
Part A: Bench maintenance work
4x5 at 80%
Part B: 12 Min AMRAP
6 Gym width shuttle runs (there and back is 1)
6 lateral burpees over DBs
12 (6 per side) Single arm Hang clean and jerk 50/35