Four Backing Up One Is Better Than One Backing Up Four

Four Backing Up One Is Better Than One Backing Up Four

With conventional grip, we are relying on our grip strength alone to hang on to the barbell.  We have one thumb and four fingers in an open circuit relying on muscle to close, and keep closed, that circuit.  However, once we establish hook grip, the circuit is closed and tension keeps it there.  In “hook grip” we are wrapping our thumb on the bar first.  From there, our index finger and middle finger “hook” over the thumb.  Just the same as a cam-lock works on an adjustable ring strap; the more force that is applied to “open” that circuit, the harder it closes.

Why marathoners should lift and lifters should run

Why marathoners should lift and lifters should run

What researchers have found over the years is that regardless of the task involve all energy systems are in use.  Albeit some more than others depending on the task, all three energy are in play.  Let’s repeat this point, your body doesn’t use one energy system exclusively, rather it’s more of one and less of the other depending on the needs required.

Executing In The Open

Executing In The Open

The Open is all about the community and being together to take part in a world wide event focused on fitness.  For most of us, it’s the only “competition” that we do within Crossfit.  That is fantastic!  Give it a little extra attention through some of the tips above and you might just surprise yourself with what your fitness can do.  Execute to your potential.  Be the best you that you can!  Welcome to the Open.