Don't cheat the rest
WIll this be easier than last week?
90 sec on 90 sec off
x 10
ODD Rounds
Buy in with:
8 BBJO at 24"/20"
4 MU
AMRAP DB 50/35lbs DT
Buy in with:
12 Box Jumps Overs 24"/20"
12 V-ups
AMRAP DB 50/35lbs DT
Pick up where you left off of DT on every round.
Score is total DT reps.
*DT is 12 DB deadlifts, 9 DB hang power cleans, 6 shoulder to overhead
Hit 'em up!
Get 'em done!
Here for the pump
Time for a PR!
Variety is key
So like 15 sec on the AMRAPs?
Start with an EMOM
Friends don't let friends train alone
Comp Day Friday
Threshold Thursday
Test next week
There goes the grip
Simple and effective
A little bit of everything
A: Deadlifts
6x3 at 80% on the 90 sec
B: 3x20 bicep curls
C: Bent over DB single arm row 3x15 as heavy as you can.
D: 3 rounds for time of:
30 squats
15 push-ups
30 walking lunge steps
Run 200 meters