Snatch and Squats
Steady Eddie
Lightning Fast
Don't forget to bench
Snow day, classes are cancelled.
Your home WOD… shovel your walks and driveways, don’t forget to brace your core.
See you all tomorrow,
Part A: Bench maintenance work
4x5 at 80%
Part B: 12 Min AMRAP
6 Gym width shuttle runs (there and back is 1)
6 lateral burpees over DBs
12 (6 per side) Single arm Hang clean and jerk 50/35
Wodapalooza Inspired
Ladder to nowhere
Start Somewhere?
What's One #3?
Thanks CF HQ
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
20 burpees
20 air squats
20 box jump-overs 24"/20"
20 air squats
20 toes-to-bars
Thing 1, Thing 2
6 times upsetting
Test Day
Scandinavian Protocol
4 min AMRAP followed by 4 mins of rest x 4 rounds.
Each 4 min piece starts with DB snatches 50/35lbs, followed by T2Bs, and DUs
The rep count per set decreases in each 4 Min AMRAP.
Round 1 21,21,84
Round 2, 18,18,72
Round 3 15,15,60
Round 4 12,12,48
Score is total reps each round.
The goal is to average the same amount of reps in each 4 min piece.
Remembrance Day long weekend
Pick the right Partner
With a partner switching as needed For total time:
A:10-8-6-4-2 of
Clean and Jerks at 185/125 With 20/16 Cals of rowing after each set
Right into
B:10-8-6-4-2 of
Full Clean at 225/155 With 20 lateral jumps over the rower after each set
Finish with:
C:10-8-6-4-2 of
Deads at 275/185 With 20 WBs after each set