Heart Breaker

On the 5 minutes - x 5 rounds -
Row 20/16 cals,
15 burpees over the rower,
10 jerks at 155/105.

Score is total rest

Zoom Daily at 6AM or Noon


40 min EMOM

Score is Completed rounds, if you can't finish take the next minute as a recovery round

Odd minutes -

5x (start standing, down to hollow body rock to back to your feet, squat jump, + 4 lunges)

Even minutes -

5x (start standing inch worm to a push up and inch worm back out to a full standing position)

At least it's done in 25mins

A: 25 MIN EMOM -

1. 40 feet of handwalking

2. 30 WB

3. 20 T2Bs

4. AMRAP Single Arm Devil Press

5. Rest.

Zoom from Home daily at 6AM or Noon!


40 min EMOM -

1. 10 per leg of single leg reach to the ground and jump

2. 10 per side of Plank hops (start in plank and jump both your feet together to one side

3. 20 criss/ cross

4. 10 karaokes - 1 karaoke = 5 steps right, 5 steps left

5 - Rest

Crazy Mondays

On the 2:30 minutes
x 6 rounds -
12 thrusters at 95/65,
12 C2B,
12 bar burpees.

Score is total rest

Rest 5 minutes

Then 1 mile run!

Zoom from Home daily at 6AM or Noon!


Sets are 45 seconds on/ 15 seconds off
1. AMRAP - Lateral push ups - from plank walk five steps left + 1 push ups + five steps right
2. AMRAP - Power lunges - drop lunge and drive up to high knee
3. AMRAP - DB hang clean to push jerk
x 3 (9 minutes) then
Rest 3 minutes and repeat