A community grows tighter!
Christmas Comes twice, the CF GAMES OPEN has arrived!
Meet our new strength coaches
Who's my coach and when can I train?
A coach's dream
Gala Night Recap
Christmas Hours 2012
Congratulations to our lifters
Gold : Rob Lovelace including a PR in his Clean and Jerk at 121KG, and Dwayne Cronje
Silver : Laura Wehrkamp, Melanie Johnson, and Paul Kot
Bronze : Beth Kotsur, Kourtney Weslowski
Great effort by all, looking forward to exciting times ahead.
Nutritional Seminar
1st Annual Reebok CrossFit 306 Christmas Gala
Building a winning tradition.
More hardware!
Viki, took home the silver while fighting the flu, get well soon Viki, way to fight through!
Chandra finished with a bronze medal and a massive grin.
Jesse Buydens took home a silver.
Jeff Woo won his weight class.
Leo and Dwayne continued to show great improvements and both took home gold medals.
Coach also won his weight and qualified for nationals in the process.
Great work everyone.
Now lets get ready for Grande Prarie!
Halloween Spooktacular recap
Halloween Spooktacular!
Schedule Improvements
As of Monday Oct 29 we will now be offering a 3PM CrossFit WOD Monday through Friday. We will also be moving our popular Olympic lifting training back to its regular time of 7-8:30 M,W,F. This effectively means that we will be eliminating the 7PM on Mondays and Wednesdays only. The 7PMs on Tuesdays and Thursdays will continue.
In health,
And we're Full Thanks Saskatoon!
Until further notice no drop ins or new members will be added. Please email jason@crossfitreebok306.com to get on our wait list.