50 Push-ups
50 Double-unders
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Overhead squats, 95/65 pounds
50 Sit-ups
50 Double-unders
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Overhead squats, 95/65 pounds
50 Sit-ups
WOD "consider wearing gloves"
60m Bear crawl
140M walking lunge
140 M backwards running
60 Bear Crawl
400M with 24/45 plate
1 clean 250/175
3 BJ 44/32
4 x 5 minutes of work followed by 3 min rest.
AMRAP and pick up where you left.
18/15 cal row
9 Ring Dips
6 Bar MU
3 Double arm Devil Press 50/35