Gym close enjoy the great outdoors!
Happy Holidays
Happy Holidays everyone!
2015 12 days of Christmas
This WOD is performed as the song would go,on the first day of Christmas my CossFit gave to me... (1 snatch, on the second day of Christmas my CrossFit gave to me 2 pistols and 1 Snatch, on the third day of Christmas my CrossFit gave to me 3 Box Jumps, 2 pistols, 1 snatch..... alll the way to 12 Man Makers and down)
1. Snatches 135/95
2. Pistols
3. Box Jumps 36/28.
4. Pwr Cleans 135/95
5. Jerks 135/95
6. KBS 2/1.5
7. Push Ups
8. Jumping Lunges
9. Pull Ups
10. Wall Balls
11. Toes To Bar
12. Man Makers 40/25
Last heavy day before Christmas
On the two minutes for 10 rounds
1 full clean + 1 jerk
In honour of Brennan Jarrett, aka Beej. Born June 17, 1989, passed away on December 22, 200
89 Double unders then:
5 rounds of -
12/6 ring dips
17 KBS (russian style) 2/1.5 pood/1.5/1
Rest 5 min
5 Rounds
12 Box Jumps 36/28/32/24
7 DL 165/115/135/95
8 Hang Squat Clean
7 Push ups
Finish with:
8 Rope climbs
A little interval work
3 dead lifts at 365/245/285/185
9 C2B
27 DU
3 rounds rest 2 minutes and repeat two more times
Just evil
Christmas Tabatta
Let's Try something short and Fast
Cain's Nemesis
A) Clean & Jerk
-2x2@55-65%, 1x1@70-75-80-84-87%, 3x1@92.5%
B) Deficit Deadlift
C) Bench Press
-3x5@80%, 2x2@92.5%
-Weighted 4x6
E) Back Extensions
-Weighted 4-6
Can you get 140 WB?
CFL2 Inspired
A) Snatch
-2x2@55-65%, 1x1@70-75-80-84-87%, 3x1@92.5%
B) Snatch Balance+OHS
C) Back Squat
-3x5@80%, 2x2@92.5%
D) DB rows
3x10@5-10# more than last week
E) Planks
- MAX EFFORT plank hold
Red Deer Inspired
Murph for Saskatoon winters
Tommy V
A) Segment Snatch (pause for 2 seconds at the knee)
-Build to heavy
B) Segment Clean (pause for 2 seconds at the knee)
-Build to heavy
C) Front Squat
D) Push Press
E) Accessory
-3 rounds of…
-6 weighted lunges (DB or barbells if theres space)
-2 rebounding box jumps
Memories of the Open
3x8 @60% | 3x8 @60% | 3x5 @70% |
A suicide in a WOD?
Oly Program:
A) Clean & Jerk
-2x2@55-65%, 1x1@70-75-80-85%, 3x1@90%>
B) Deficit Deadlift
-5x2@80% (adjust if new to this movement)
C) Bench Press
E) Back Extensions
Only Two rounds, you got it
3x5 @60% | 3x5 @60% | 3x5 @65% |
some stuff then Annie
A) Snatch
-2x2@55-65%, 1x1@70-75-80-85%, 3x1@90%>
B) Snatch Balance + OHS
C) Back Squat
D) DB Rows
-3x10@moderate-heavy across (5 per arm)
E) Planks
-4 sets of 30 second holds with plate on upper butt/lower back (rest as needed)