Theshold Tuesday
Set rest, that's nice
Pick it up
A: Deadlift - Based on new 1 RM
Based on new 1 RM or highest Theoretical max achieved in the last block.
2x5 at 55%
2x5 at 65%
2x5 at 75%
1 AMRAP at 80%
*use this formula to see if you get a theoretical PR based on your reps on the AMRAP
(W x R x 0.0333)+W = Theoretical 1RM
B: "Running Cindy"
5 RFT of
200m run
2 rounds of C2B Cindy
Is that even enough time?
That mile run hey
What no cleans?
EMOM x 10
3 full snatch at 70%
B: Bench Press
Based on new 1 RM or highest Theoretical max achieved in the last block.
2x5 at 55%
2x5 at 65%
2x5 at 75%
1 AMRAP at 80%
*use this formula to see if you get a theoretical PR based on your reps on the AMRAP
(W x R x 0.0333)+W = Theoretical 1RM
C: Seated strict DB shoulder press 4x AMRAP