Thanks CF HQ
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
20 burpees
20 air squats
20 box jump-overs 24"/20"
20 air squats
20 toes-to-bars
Thing 1, Thing 2
6 times upsetting
Test Day
Scandinavian Protocol
4 min AMRAP followed by 4 mins of rest x 4 rounds.
Each 4 min piece starts with DB snatches 50/35lbs, followed by T2Bs, and DUs
The rep count per set decreases in each 4 Min AMRAP.
Round 1 21,21,84
Round 2, 18,18,72
Round 3 15,15,60
Round 4 12,12,48
Score is total reps each round.
The goal is to average the same amount of reps in each 4 min piece.
Remembrance Day long weekend
Pick the right Partner
With a partner switching as needed For total time:
A:10-8-6-4-2 of
Clean and Jerks at 185/125 With 20/16 Cals of rowing after each set
Right into
B:10-8-6-4-2 of
Full Clean at 225/155 With 20 lateral jumps over the rower after each set
Finish with:
C:10-8-6-4-2 of
Deads at 275/185 With 20 WBs after each set
So everything!?
Push Pull week #5
In the nick of time
Creeping Up
Wodapalooza Qualifier #2
9 min AMRAP
30 PWR cleans 115/75
30 FS
30 S2O
30 Hang squat clean thruster
But.. EMOM starting at 0:00 you must buy in with 3 burpees Immediately into a max 1RM Hang clean Time cap is 15 mins
Wodapalooza Qualifier #1
Push Pull Week #4
Round 1:
Resting 1:30 after each interval
1000/800 2km +4
750/600m 2km +2
500/400m 2km + 0
250m/200m 2km - 2
Rest 3 minutes...
Round 2:
Resting 1:30 after each interval
1000/800 2km +3
750/600m 2km + 0
500/400m 2km -3
250m/200m 2km -6
B: Bench Press
Based off your 6 RM (set as 100%)
1x8 at 70% 1x8 at 80% 1x6 at 90%
3x5 at 95%
1xAMRAP at 100%