10 deads
15 box jumps
deads go up by 5 reps and load every cycle through
10 deads
15 box jumps
deads go up by 5 reps and load every cycle through
10-1 of
C+J at 135/95 and T2B
2 min rest then:
1-10 of,
Deads 135/95 and sit-ups
WB 20/14
BJ 24/20
KBS 1.5/1
3 mins to complete two rounds of:
10 OHS 95/65
10 C2B
If successful then:
3 more minutes to complete
12, 12 of the same couplet.
Continue by adding two resp every succesful 3 mins
Part A: MU Progression
Part B: Row 750 M
Then 10 rds of:
9 push press 115/85
6 T2B
Part A: thruster Progression 1.3
Part B: WOD
7 thrusters 115/85
7 BJ 24/20
7 C2B
5 rds rest 90 secs repeat
Part A - Pul Up Progrssion 2.3
Part B - On the two minutes
2 deads
1 hang full clean
1 jerk
5X5 Bench press
5X5 push press
30 DU
15 Pwr Snatches 75/55
Part A:
30 WB
20 BJ 28/24
10 Pwr Snatches 135/95
Part B:
MU progression week 2.2
Part A: Pull up progression week 2.2
Part B: 4 cycle met-con
6 thrusters 95/65
6 toes to bar
6 back extensions
8 deads 265/185
8 ring dips
28 DU
4rds rest 1 minute, then 3 rds rest 1 minute... down to 1 rd
Part A: Thruster progression week 2
Part B: 4 full cleans on the minute for 7 minutes 245/155
Part A:
500M row X 5 3 min rest between each set
Part B:
WB 20/14
KBS 2/1.5
40 deads
30 Fr squats
20 shoulder to overhead
10 thrusters
all with 155/105
complete 7 MU and 50 DU before each movement
Part A:
Death by snatch 135/95 with 5 pull ups
Once you fail you must continue with 8 burpees
WOD ends for everyone at min 15
Part B:
Pull Up progression week 2.1
On the 10 minutes x 3
Score is total rest
50 DU
25 DB snatch 50/35
25 WBS
20 T2Bs
25 WBS
25 DB snatch
50 DU