Happy Holidays!
12 Days of Christmas
Classes are at 9am and 10:30AM Today!
This WOD is performed as the song would go,
"On the first day of Christmas my CossFit gave to me:
1 snatch, on the second day of Christmas my CrossFit gave to me 2 HSPU and 1 Snatch, on the third day of Christmas my CrossFit gave to me 3 Burpee Box Jumps Overs, 2 HSPU, 1 snatch..... "
All the way to "12 Two Arm Devil's Press" and back down
1. Snatches 135/95
3. Burpee Box Jumps Overs 24/20.
4. Push Jerks 135/95
5. Cleans 135/95
6. KBS 2/1.5
7. Push Ups
8. Jumping Lunges
9. C2Bs
10. Wall Balls
11. Toes To Bar
12. Devil Press 50/35
All I want for Christmas is to HW!
24 mins later
Test Day
Let's have some fun
Let's make it happen
Tag You're It
2023 Legends
In for a fun time, not a long time
Test Next Week
Let's Get it on
Boom, Boom!
3 Rounds for Max Reps:
1 min at each station:
WBS 20/14
SDHP 75/55/25
Box Jump 20"/16"
Push Press 75lbs/55lbs
Cal Row
1:00 Rest