Ladders up

5 min ladder of

HSPU with x 10 of DU

(1 HSPU + 10 DU, 2 HSPU + 20 DU, 3 HSPU + 30 DU etc...)

rest 5 minute

5 min ladder of

MU and x 5 of WB

(1 MU + 5 WB, 2 MU + 10 WB, 3 MU + 15 WB...)

Rest 5 minutes

5 min ladder of:

5 T2BS with 5 deadlifts 185/125

(5 T2BS, 5 Dead, 10 T2Bs + 10 Deads, 15 T2Bs + 15 Deads…)

At Home Zoom Option offered at 6:00AM and Noon

Zoom WOD:

90 seconds on 45 seconds off x 5 rounds

60 DU, 15 thrusters 95/65 or DBs, AMRAP Bar hop Burpees

Rest 5 minutes


So like one minute of rest?

On the 3:30 minutes x 7

- 12 lunge step with a pair of 50/35 lbs DB in front rack,

- 8 push press/jerk with the DBs followed by

- 12 burpees box jump (24/20" box for everyone).

Score is cumulative rest.

At Home Zoom Option offered at 6:00AM and Noon

Zoom WOD:

2 minutes on 1 minute off x 5
20 BJ overs
AMRAP DT (barbell or DB)
Rest 5 minutes
2 minutes on 1 minute off x 5
20 BJ Overs

5 push ups

10 squats

15 criss cross

Double Pyramid Helen

Run 1,200 meters
63 kettlebell swings (1.5/1 pood)
36 pull-ups
Run 800 meters
42 kettlebell swings
24 pull-ups
Run 400 meters
21 kettlebell swings
12 pull-ups

At Home Zoom Option offered at 6:00AM and Noon

Zoom WOD:

8 minutes on 3 minutes off x 3

Start each round with a 100 DU

Remaining Time AMRAP

9 DB burpee deadlifts

12 lunges with DB in a front rack position

21 Sit-up to a twist

It's a trap

Part A: 5 cycles of 1:45 minutes on 1 minute OFF -
Run 200m, 15 C2B, AMRAP Full clean 225lbs/155lbs.
Rest 5 minutes -
Part B:
5 cycles of 1:45 minutes on 1 minute OFF
Run 200m, 15 T2B AMRAP Bar Hop Burpees

At Home Zoom Option offered at 6:00AM and Noon

Zoom WOD:

  • 50 Box Jumps and step down (24/20 in)

  • 50 Jumping Jacks

  • 50 Kettlebell Swings (24/16)

  • 50 Lunge Steps

  • 50 laying bicycles

  • 50 Push Presses (45/35 lb)

  • 50 Back Extensions

  • 50 Thrusters

  • 50 Burpees

  • 50 Double-Unders

All the DOMs

21 HSPU, 21 front squats 135/95, 21 T2Bs

15 HSPU, 15 front squats, 15 T2Bs,

9 HSPU, 9 Front squats 9 T2Bs

Rest 5 minutes

800m run
Time ends after the WOD the run is bonus!

At Home Zoom Option offered at 6:00AM and Noon

Part A:

60 seconds on 30 seconds off X 8 rounds of 60 DU on the rower AMRAP burpees

then rest 5 minutes then

Part B: 12 Minute AMRAP - of 5 push jerks + 1 round of 15 squats, 10 sit-ups, 5 push ups.

Score Part A and B separately