Up for the challenge?
Sunny Side Up
Gym Crush
It's a trap
Feels like a Monday
Putting it all together
New Year New You!
Happy New Year
See ya 2022
Pick the right partner
Double O 7
Back for a sweat
Happy Holidays
12 Days of Christmas
This WOD is performed as the song would go,on the first day of Christmas my CossFit gave to me... (1 snatch, on the second day of Christmas my CrossFit gave to me 2 HSPU and 1 Snatch, on the third day of Christmas my CrossFit gave to me 3 Burpee Box Jumps Overs, 2 HSPU, 1 snatch..... all the way to 12 Two Arm Devil's Press and back down)
1. Snatches 135/95
3. Burpee Box Jumps Overs 24/20.
4. Push Jerks 135/95
5. Cleans 135/95
6. KBS 2/1.5
7. Push Ups
8. Jumping Lunges
9. C2Bs
10. Wall Balls
11. Toes To Bar
12. Devil Press 50/35
Partner Saturday on a Thursday
In teams of two - both partners working at the same time you must complete the following -
Row 5/4km - and
20 rounds of -
3 RMU, 12 DB snatch 50/35 and 36 DU
Athletes can switch as desired between the row and the work.
Once either the work or the row is done both athletes can complete the remaining work switching as needed.
Test Day
Part A:
Test your Clean
On the 90 sec at increasing loads
Rounds 1-4 hit 2 power cleans (50%-70% loading)
Rounds 5-7 1 power and 1 full (72.5%-82.5%)
Rounds 8 - 12 1 full clean (85%-100+% loading)
Part B:
Test your Bench
Start with sets of 5 and drop to sets of 3 and finish with singles as you hit a new heavy 1 RM.
Got grip?
5 mins on 3 mins off x 4
AMRAP in those 5 mins
6 power snatch 115/85
6 bar hop burpees
1 legless rope climb
9 S2O 115/85
9 bar hop burpees
1 legless rope climb
12 Deadlifts 115/85
12 bar hop burpees
1 legeless rope climb
*On each AMRAP you must start back at the top with 6 power snatch regardless of where you finished on the previous round.
Score is total reps