Wodapalooza feels
New strength block
Keep an eye on the clock
Clock starts at 0:00, rests are all 2 minutes and occur at the following times:
- 2 minute mark
- 8 minute mark
- 18 minute mark
- 26 minute mark
- 30 minute mark WOD ends
AMRAP the following and pick up where you left off - 40 feet of HW, 12 DB Hang full cleans 50/35, 1 rope climb (legless), 12 DB deadlifts 50/35
New block, who dis?
Recovery Day?
Saturday - 10th Anniversary of the 3 on 3
Testing the 3 on 3
Building Durability
Yes 2X4 = 8 rounds
Final Touches
Happy Labour Day Long weekend
September already!
Who's your friend?
What's your 8RM
Just here for the row
12 days out
Three part Sunday
You and me forever
In teams of two
Start with 1 mile run together then
complete the following work in any order with only athlete working at time:
50 BMU
75 lateral burpees over the KB
100 KBS 24/16
200 lunges holding one KB overhead
*Teams may use any strategy to get through the work as long as only one athlete is working at time