Maniac Mondays
Part A: 3:00 mins on 1 min off x 2
AMRAP and pick up where you left
18 burpee BJ Over 24"/20" 18 C2Bs 18 Double DB hang snatch 50/35
Rest 3 mins
Part B: 2:00 mins on 1 min off x 3
AMRAP and pick up where you left
12 burpee BJ Over 24"/20" 12 C2Bs 12 Double DB hang snatch 50/35 Rest 3 mins
Part C: For time: 1:00 mins on 1 min off x4
AMRAP and pick up where you left
6 burpee BJ Over 24"/20" 6 C2Bs 6 Double DB hang snatch 50/35
AG Semi Final WOD #4
AG Semi-Final #3
AG Semi-Final #2
AG Semi-Final event #1
Final Week of Bench and Benchmarks
Guaranteed rest
I see what you did there
Sweaty Sundays
We got this
Comp style Fridays
How many rounds?
Week #3 of Bench and Benchmarks
A: Bench Press Based on new 1 RM or highest Theoretical max achieved in the last block.
2x3 at 60% 2x3 at 70% 2x3 at 80%
1 AMRAP at 85%
*use this formula to see if you get a theoretical PR based on your reps on the AMRAP (W x R x 0.0333)+W = Theoretical 1RM
B: Benchmark "Diane"
21-15-9 of Deadlifts 225/155 and HSPU