Miracle on Rubber
1 to 1?!
What does via mean?
Shouldn't this be a partner WOD?
Coach's favourite
We test next week!
Let's make it happen
Can you get 7 rounds?
Beach Body Sundays
What's the plan
In teams of two:
Start with 1 mile run together.
Tthen complete the following work in any order with only athlete working at time:
50 BMU
75 lateral burpees over the KB
100 KBS 24/16 200 lunges holding one KB overhead
*Teams may use any strategy to get through the work as long as only one athlete is working at time
In memory of Lazar Dukic
Does the mile even matter?
Deadlifts week #5
Nice Posterior
Sweaty Beach Body
Part A: "Sweaty"
For time:
24 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24"/20
21 Wall Balls
18 Overhead Squats 135/95
21 Burpee Box Jump Overs
18 Wall Balls 15 Overhead Squats
18 Burpee Box Jump Overs
15 Wall Balls
12 Overhead Squats
Part B: Beach Body
A: Seated DB shoulder press 4x8
B: Bicep curls and tricep extension also 4 x8
C: Chest flies and chest press 4x8