So much Snatch!

Part A:
10 MIN EMOM of 2 full snatch at 185/125/135/95 + 2 BJ 44/32"/36/24
Part B:
On the 2 minutes for 4 rounds
1 full snatch at 205/135/155/105 and 3 BJ (same as above)

Oly Program:

A) Clean & Jerk

-2x2@50-60%, 1x1@65-70-75-80-84%, 3x1@87.5%

B) Clean Grip Deadlift


C) Bench Press

3x5@75%, 2x2@87.5%

D) Pull-ups+Ring Rows

5 min EMOM (each minute achieve as many reps as possible in 20 seconds, rest remaining 40s… Weight and bands may be used)


3x10 weighted (wall balls or plates against chest)

6 + 6 = can't feel my legs!

Part A: EMOM for 6 minutes
3 full cleans at 225/155/185/105 + 1 BM
Part B after 6 minute rest
12 WB
12 Pistols (6 per leg)
12 C2B
Oly Program:

A) Snatch

-2x2@50-60%, 1x1@65-70-75-80-84%, 3x1@87.5%

B) Snatch Balance+OHS

-5x(1+3)@85% (percentage based off last weeks max)

C) Back Squat

-3x5@75%, 2x2@87.5%

D) Bent over Rows

-4x4@5-10 pounds more than last week

E) Planks

3 rounds of 55seconds on 10s seconds off, rest 3-5 minutes then do 2 more rounds

Regionals 14.6

Regionals 14.6
50 calories row
50 BJ over 24/20
50 DL 185/125
50 WB
50 ring dips
50 WB
50 DL
50 BJ over
50 calories
Oly Program:

A) Power Snatch + Hang Snatch (2+1)

-Build to heavy

B) Power Clean + Hang Clean (2+1)

-Build to heavy

C) Front Squat (1 pause+1 normal)

-6 sets at 82.5%

D) Push Press

-3x6@70%, 2x2@85%>

E) Dips+Box Jumps

3 sets of…

-8 ring dips

-4 max effort box jumps

down and back up in November

10-1 of
DL at 275/185 and jumping lunges(reps are per leg so 10-1 per leg)
then immediately followed by
1-10 of 
Rin dips Via MU and air squats
Oly Program:

A) Clean & Jerk

-2x2@50-60%, 1x1@65-70-75-80%, 3x1@85%>

B) Clean Grip Deadlift

-5x3@75% of DL

C) Bench Press

-3x6@70%, 2x2@85%>

D) Strict Pullups/Rings Rows

-3x8 (use bands, bodyweight, or weights to hit these reps)

E) GHD 3X 18

Start of Something New

Start of Something New
week 1 of MU progression
(1 MU +1 ring dip) X 3 for 5 min EMOM
Part B:
WOD - It's just a barbell
squat clean thruster 155/105/135/95
BJ 36/28/24/20
Oly Program:

A) Snatch

-2x2@50-60%, 1x1@65-70-75-80%, 3x1@85%>

B) Snatch Balance+OHS

-Build to max effort of (1+3), then 1 set @ 95% & 90% (record max effort as later weeks will be built of this complex)

C) Back Squat

-3x6@70%, 2x2@85%>

D) Bent Over Rows

-3x5@ last weeks heaviest set of 6 (if missed then build to heavy 5 and hit 3 sets)

E) Planks

-16 Rounds of 25 seconds on, 5 seconds off


Mash Through This

21 Power snatch
15 thrusters
9 squat snatch
rest 5 minutes
then 5 rounds
15 WB
10 burpees
5 MU

Oly Program:


-REST DAY before the Comp

-You can come in and work up to 80% in Singles for both of your major lifts

If not competing then you can either (MAX out this day if you can’t during the weekend or do the above lifts to 80% and then…

A) 5x3 Deadlift@ 77.5%

B) 4x12 GHD sit-ups (rest as needed)

C) 4x12 Back Extensions (rest as needed)