Not terrifying at all

90 seconds on 45 seconds off X 4 rounds of

200m run, 10 HSPU,
AMRAP Power Cleans 135/95

Rest 3 minutes

90 seconds on 45 seconds off X 4 rounds of
200m run, 10 C2Bs,
AMRAP OHS 135/95

ZOOM WODS 6AM and NOON Daily(M-F):

Zoom Link May 17th-21st:

“Fat Amy”

50 Air Squats

10 Burpees

40 Sit-Ups

10 Burpees

30 Lunges

10 Burpees

20 KBS/ODD Object swing

10 Burpees

10 M bear crawl/or whatever coach tells you to do;)

10 Burpees

20 KBS/Odd object swings

10 Burpees

30 Lunges

10 Burpees

40 Sit-ups

10 Burpees

50 Squats

Get them done

Minute 0-4 -

4 rounds - 5 full snatches at 155/105 and 3 BM,
Minute 4-8 rest,
Minute 8-12
5 rounds 5 power cleans at 155/105 and 6 strict HSPU,
Minute 12-16 rest,
Minute 16-20 -
6 rounds of 5 deadlifts 155/105 and 9 bar hop burpees.
Score is time for each WOD add one second per non-completed rep."

At home Zoom Option offered at 6:00AM and Noon daily

20 seconds on 10 seconds off x 8 rounds per movement

Mountain Climbers



Shoulder taps from Plank

Rest 5 minutes then

Push ups

Side lunges

Odd Object thruster

Odd object straight legged deadlift

I love Monday's

Part A: 60 seconds on 45 seconds off X 8 rounds of AMRAP 18/15 cals on the rower AMRAP burpees over the rower,

Rest 5 minutes then

Part B: 8 Minute AMRAP - of 8 push jerks (155/105)+ 1 round of C2B CINDY.
Score Part A and B separately

At home Zoom Option offered at 6:00AM and Noon daily


Chair dips and odd object full clean

rest 3 minutes



Push press

Rest 3 minutes


Power lunges

Mountain climbers

We test next week!

A: Deads -

1x6 at 60%, 1x6 at 65%,

1x4 at 70%, 1x4 at 75%,

1x3 at 80%, 1x3 at 80%

and 2x2 at 90%.

Super set with 3 x15 Bicep curls

B: 4 x AMRAP pull ups (goal is 12+ reps use a band if needed)

C: 4XAMRAP ring dips (goal is 12+ reps use a band if needed)

At Home Zoom Option offered at 6AM or Noon daily!


4 mins on 2 min off X 5

AMRAP and pick up where you left off

21 Odd object Hang snatch or KBS

15 squats

9 sit-up to a twist


Part A:

45 seconds on 30 seconds off X 8 rounds of

AMRAP cals on the rower

Then rest 5 minutes then

Part B:

45 seconds on 30 seconds off X 8 rounds -

10 DB thrusters 50/35 and AMRAP burpees to a 25lbs plate

At Home Zoom Option offered at 6AM or Noon daily!


2 rounds for time of:

100 double-unders

20 overhead squats (115/85) or one DB

100 double-unders

12 Man Makers

100 double-unders

20 dumbbell snatches (50/35)

100 double-unders

12 Man Makers