Only 3 rounds
New week, new you!
Part A:
5 rounds of 90 seconds on 1 min off -
7 thrusters 135/95, 14 T2Bs,
After the first 5 rounds hit the second couplet after a set 3 minute set rest -
Part B:
This is also 5 rounds of 90 seconds on 1 min off-
28 WB, 14 T2Bs, AMRAP deadlifts 135/95
Score is total reps on AMRAP in part A and B
The 4th Annual BeLikeBruce Fitness Festival
From our friends at HQ
Final touches on the weekend
All the upper body
Looking forward to the weekend
Guaranteed a minute
In for a good time not a long time
BLB 2022 Throwback
All the things!
40 min EMOM
Beach Body
A: Core worK
1 min plank 30 sec hollow body flutter kicks 30 weighted russian twist Rest 2 minutes x3
B: Push press 1x10 at 60% 1x8 at 65% 1x6 at 70% 1x4 at 75% 2x AMRAP at 80%
C:Bench Press:
1x10 at 50%
1x8 at 60%
4x5 at 70%
EMOM x 3 AMRAP at 75%(or your BLB weight whichever is heavier) one set only,
so when you break rest until the next minute.
D: Accessory
4 x 12 strict banded chest to bar pull ups 4 x15 skull crushers