A little bit of everything
What no more 1:1!?
Sunny Sundays
Part A: Core prep
Core Prep 3x 20 v-ups 20 candlesticks 1 min plank
Part B:
For time:
Box jumps 24/20
Clean and jerks 135/95
Remembrance Day
Courtesy of HWPO
40 min EMOM
Test Day
Just make it through round 1
No set rest?
Open 18.1
Belated Birthday
Double bad date
In it for the long haul
Test next Week
In for a good thrashing
Same but different
I love CrossFit
For time:
3 rounds of:
30-calorie row
30 push-ups
Rest 3:00
3 rounds of:
20 toes-to-bars
Rest 3:00
3 rounds of:
10 Sand bag cleans 150/100
10 C2Bs