Strength Week #5
Quarters are coming
Time Pyramid
Easter Sunday
Happy Easter
Good Friday
For the love of CrossFit
Strength Block Week #4
1/4s Predictions
Triple Threat
Buy in with a row
Boom, boom, pow!
Can you get all 8 rounds?
Me and my sweat angel
Deadlifts Week #3
Time to get down to business
Bring on the 1/4s!
2 min on 1 min off - X 4 rounds -
Row 20/16 cals 8 Burpees over the rower AMRAP DB snatch 70/50
Rest 3 mins
90 sec on 1 min off - X 4 rounds -
Row 15/12 cals 6 Burpees over the rower AMRAP DB snatch 70/50
Rest 3 mins
1 min on 1 min off - X 4 rounds -
Row 10/8 cals 4 Burpees over the rower AMRAP DB snatch 70/50
24.3 Redo
"A little of this, a little of that"
"A little of this, a little of that"
In teams of two: At 0:00
Accumulate 200 feet of HW and 200 GHDs
Switch as needed both athletes can be working at the same time.
At 8:00
10 rounds of 15 DB Deadlifts at 50/35 5 Double arm Devil Press
Switch every round only one athlete working at a time
At 22:00
100 WBS
50 Pistols
25 RMU Switch as needed