Dangling that carrot
Strength Block Week #2
Stay classy 306
New move who dis?
90 sec on 90 sec off x 10
ODD Rounds
Buy in with: 10 BBJO at 24"/20" 5 x (1 RMU + 1 ring dip)
Then AMRAP DB 50/35lbs DT
Buy in with: 20 Box Jumps Overs 24"/20" 12 T2Bs
Then AMRAP DB 50/35lbs DT
Pick up where you left off of DT on every round. Score is total DT reps.
*DT is 12 DB deadlifts, 9 DB hang power cleans, 6 shoulder to overhead
Push and Pull
Ben and Jerry's
Baseline Strength
Heads or tails
Can you get to the AMRAP?
Mix it up
Lonely Runs
Eye on the Prize
It's all about pace
Test Day!
Hell of a Monday!
Part A: 2 mins on 60 seconds off X 4 rounds -
4 RMU 12 Burpee Box Jump over (24"/20" Box) AMRAP WBs
Rest 3 mins
Part B: 1:30 mins on 60 seconds off X 4 rounds -
3 RMU 9 Burpee Box Jump over (24"/20" Box) AMRAP WB
Rest 3 mins
Part C: 1:00 mins on 60 seconds off X 4 rounds -
6 Burpee Box Jump over (24"/20" Box) AMRAP WB